The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

The best steak you’ll ever have

The Legacy teased us a little bit last month when he talked about making something happen at WVU — “We’ll have to wait and see.” — as he tried to keep himself busy in retirement.

Proof of his restlessness came earlier that day at the Bob Huggins Fantasy Camp. West had flown to the Greenbrier and back in the morning before teaching and speaking at the camp in the afternoon.

There was obviously something going on and now we know what it was — though, with West, there could be much, much more because you never know when he thinks enough is enough.

The Greenbrier, a second home to West, will house as steakhouse shrine to No. 44 — and if they don’t call it “The West Wing,” I’ll me mortified. 

West is fond of Jim Justice, who bought the Greenbrier in May, and he’ll have significant input on the steakhouse with his personal touches and suggestions and ideas for the menus and an optimal experience.

And in typical, unrelenting West fashion, this won’t be a typical steakhouse.

 “I’m really thrilled and will do everything in my power to make this the best steakhouse in America. I have some pretty interesting things I think people will like to see that I’ve accumulated over the years. I’m almost to the point I pinch myself, I am so excited about this opportunity.”