The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

Not so fast

Dave said:

Glad to have you back … and you should take your vacation that is earned. As long as it doesn’t interefere with updating the blog, answering our questions and getting new stories.

And you want to Twitter too? This information access is getting a bit out of control, don’t you think (and I work in information tech)?

Well, what’s a vacation then? And for the record, I’ve never committed to Twittering. I don’t even have the proper handle. Isn’t that right, Mr. GetRight? Perhaps something is brewing, but whatever it is — or might be — has to be done right. There’s too much potential in something, but also too much of a threat for haphazardness. Honestly, this is maybe the best vehicle for what is otherwise achieved via other avenues. I’m just not sure it’s as immediate … or prevalent. Yet.