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Mike Hamrick comes on down

Marshall has a new A.D. — that was fast! — and three-fifths three-fourths of the decision-makers are ready to take a seat around the bartering table as it pertains to that WVU-Marshall football series. Anyhow, get to know Mike Hamrick. We’ll learn much more about him soon.

I’m told and I’ve already heard Hamrick is set on 1-for-1, which is no surprise since that was the talking point before his hiring. Not like he’d be hired if he was of a different opinion or wouldn’t embrace that stance. That’s fine. March on.

Here’s what’s interesting, though. He’s dealt with WVU before. A lot. Even recently. He was the A.D. at East Carolina when the two schools were engaged in a steady and equitable home-and-home setup that’s been chugging along nicely now. Yet Hamrick was also the guy who agreed to UNLV’s one-and-done visit to WVU next season, though the Rebels are to be paid nicely.

The Rebels reportedly will receive $740,000 in cash and $10,000 in tickets for playing the Mountaineers in Morgantown in 2010.

Right, right, a large part of that is to cover travel expenses to get the team from Sin City to Touchdown City, to say nothing of a reward for a D-I team filling a scheduling hole. But just file that away for a moment. 

Hamrick’s sat on both sides of the fence here, which is a pretty good position to be in when entering a new negotiation. He’s argued the need for an even series. He’s accepted the terms for a lopsided series. He surely understands WVU’s red/black numbers and how and how far the school can be stretched. That might matter.

He’s stressing Marshall’s need for finances and “fiscal integrity” which is a very important term as it relates to his school’s series with WVU. If it can’t be one-and-one, then Hamrick will probably push to has WVU make it worth Marshall’s while, right?

All in all, a very interesting character/entry in this saga.