The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

And we’re back…

…whilst gainfully employed, thank you very much. Birch. I take a lot of vacation because I get a lot of vacation. It is what it is. Worse yet, I still have a few days left, though I figure I’ll be sprinkling those over the holidays. Or perhaps I just planted an elaborate cover-up for when I get an indefinite suspension, since that’s the thing to do today. You’ll never know.

Thanks for the input on the Getaway Q&A. There were a few topics in there that popped up while I was gone that I’m not going to touch, but basically because those are things I’ll get to when camp starts. They deserve the attention there before here.

I really wish I had something — anything — planned for today, but I’ve got a bunch of newspaper things lined up early on that I should probably get to if I want to keep that “gainfully employed” think in tact.

For now, set your DVRs. ESPN’s turning the College Football Live spotlight on West Virginia at 3:30 p.m. Let the fear and loathing begin!