The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

Getaway Q&A

Summer vacation No. 2 begins tomorrow and I’m again getting away for a few days to decompress and, ideally, completely unravel before the August-to-March (April???) football-basketball grind winds me up tighter than … well, I can’t even think of a good metaphor, which is a promising sign my mind is already elsewhere.

Anyhow, we’re in a neat little time right now: legal woes, forthcoming football camp, Finau, recruiting, scheduling, Jim Clements, so on and so forth. There are a bunch of topics to address, though none in particular I think deserves its own vacation diversion post — er covered Clements pretty well, though there’s more to him; I already jinxed Truck once saying he couldn’t do anything worse; I’m not sure Finau is real, etc.

I do feel a little guilty for leaving the basement once again when there are so many things to discuss. So the idea is for today, at least, to field any and all questions which I will try to answer to the best of my unfiltered ability.

Fire away.