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Friday Feedback

Welcome to a “Hail to the Chief” edition of the Friday Feedback. Might want to refill your beverage because we’re looking at about 2,500 words today.

Apologies for yesterday’s scantily clad blog — I had a rather important assignment. Much more on that in a moment. Let’s rush through some things we neglected.

– Coley White might possibly be considering a potential transfer to Alabama A&M. Maybe.

– A likely cause of Coley’s concern, Barry Brunetti, is still thinking Tennessee.

Brunetti told the News Sentinel on Tuesday that UT is still showing interest, especially lately. He said he intends to contact UT’s coaches.

“It’s a great offer because it’s still a school that I looked up to since I was young,” Brunetti said. “I’m still going to kind of research Tennessee. Even though I’m a solid commitment (to West Virginia) it’s still Tennessee and I’m still in state, but it would be hard for me to de-commit because I’m very solid to West Virginia.”

– I began monitoring The Puppy’s Twitter page around the clock because he’s going to do something to liven up the situation … and I can’t wait.

– WVU effectively claimed all my holidays with the official schedule for the 76 Classic.

– Alex Ruoff clarified his situation.

 Whew! The event, however, was the sit-down with “Don’t call me President” Clements.

If you’ve grabbed the print edition of the Daily Mail you live in Kanawha County … or at a Go Mart saw only the most exciting and sports-only excerpts from the interview. The full text of the interview — we hit a bunch of topics outside of sports — is included with the previously linked-to story.

The Q&A by itself is and will remain on the blog on the right-hand side. For now, go here.

My thoughts? Still forming them. I do like the guy — he texted me! — and I’m quite sure he’s got a flair for first impressions. 

Remember, he hasn’t been here very long and he’s been spread pretty thin in the first week-plus, but he seems to have a handle on just about everything, to say nothing of a mission to learn as much about the entire university as soon as he can.

If I were to offer an immediate opinion, I’d say he’s got an expansive vision and an energy to match his desire to achieve. How’s that?

As for his thoughts, well, I’ve already I’ve seen and received a few comments saying something to the effect of “Gee, he didn’t know about or didn’t want to address this topic.” Fair, but he did answer a lot of questions and address a lot of issues. Some he was hesitant to handle, but understandably so. Why speak out of turn? Why be premature? I’ll admit, a few of those questions were indeed better aimed at other people.

Clements — excuse me … Jim — did urge me to follow up more than once. I think I will. Oh, he also reads or has read this blog. Keep that in mind. Maybe we can draw a comment out of him one of these days.

Onto the Feedback. As always, comments appear as posted. In other words, please don’t hide.

Eric said:

Would it be funny to have a Mountaineer named Heard?

Only if he was named Marco.

Karl said:

Watching that video, I don’t see a Noel Devine-type runner. Although he’s shifty, Heard looks a lot taller and runs with longer strides. It also looks like he’s breaking a lot of tackles with power (of course these are h.s. kids). The Thundering Heard!  

I’m in complete agreement. First, comparing anyone to Devine on film is absurd and unfair. Devine’s stuff was silly. I remember watching and just laughing. He should be honored in the Smithsonian, the College Football Hall of Fame or at least the Newseum — and I’m not even kidding. If anyone is responsible for legitimizing highlights on the Web, which has become an enormous practice today, it’s Noel. This is not the last you’ve heard from me on this. Second, just because they’re similarly sized doesn’t mean they’re similarly skilled. Heard is more of a straight-ahead, move-the-chains type. Noel was/is a homerun-hitter who runs all over the place If you want to keep it WVU, I’d sign off on a Slaton comparison.

Mack said:

Does losing your shoes make you more special?  

I believe it’s worth 1.5 stars on and 0.5 on  

Jeff said:

UT’s increasing involvement has me a little nervous…. It’s a loooonnngggg time until Februrary!  

I really think WVU is in for a fight to keep the services of Mr. Brunetti as well as Jeremy Johnson. Definitely can’t forget about the latter by devoting your focus on the former. Someone will spot that and swoop in to swoon Johnson. And UT won’t be alone in pursuing Barry.

Jamie said:

UT’s involvement is mostly because of pressure from alumni wanting the top rated QB in Tennessee to stay in-state. Coach Kiffin seems to think UT’s offense is tailored for a different type of QB, and he’s made more than one comment to that effect. I doubt Brunetti, or his family, will forget that…

Tennessee is out of the picture. Take it from somebody who lives in Volunteer country…

Thanks for the report. In my conversation with Brunetti, he really stressed two things I think WVU fans would feel good about: 1) WVU has been on him for a while and really made him feel welcome and wanted; 2) He’s always wanted to play in a spread offense. Tennesee is 0-for-2 there. In a way, this is a defining case for WVU and for Kiffin. Who gets their way? 

r said:

This is strange: During the NBA’s pre-draft combine, a routine physical exam of DeJuan Blair revealed that he has no ACL in either knee.

Blair underwent a pair of knee surgeries in high school, most recently during his 10th-grade year, after which his ACLs became scar tissue that his body reabsorbed.

When teams found out, his draft stock went down. Thus he was available for the San Antonio Spurs in the second round.

“I had no idea. I was shocked,” said Blair, the 6-foot-7 forward from Pittsburgh selected by the Spurs at No. 37 in the June 25 draft. “It’s pretty amazing when you think about it.”

How weird is that?

I’m not sure “strange” or “weird” cover that. How about “frightening” or “impressive” or even “catastrophe waiting to happen?” That totally blew my mind. Seriously, there’s a lot of parallel movement in basketball, especially for a low post, block-to-block guy who rebounds with his voracity. You need ACLs for parallel movement … or at least that’s what I thought. I think we need to look at his college career in a whole new regard now. Imagine if he had two ACLs. Or one! Also, can we really believe Jamie Dixon when he says Blair never missed a game (true) or practice (really?) because of those knees?

Foul Shot said:

It is beyond crazy with these guys.
And, there are just no more excuses.
Mazz has had two team offenses in the last year.
Now Truck.
It just gets tiring to hear of “kids will be kids” and whatever other bogus excuses people come up with.
These guys need to grow up and learn how to be responsible.
It’s fine with me if they go with the 3rd string point guard all year.
It is just embarassing for anyone involved with and who follows the team.
There just is no pride.

Honest question because I do feel this is becoming the general opinion: Does anyone disagree with this?

Dave said:

Coincidently, I was just reading an interview with him earlier today and he was talking about all the hard work put in, how they’re not going to let their guard (no pun intended) down like they did against Dayton … or maybe this is what he meant, as you can’t let your guard down if you’re not on the court, and how he’s going to be a better player than last year.

For all the time that these guys hang with each other, the advice and help they receive from the school tutors, counselors, and coaching staff, you’d think they would learn some basic skills to at the very least, keep themselves on the team. How hard are these things to understand … “don’t hit a woman,” “don’t get in a fight with an officer while drunk and underage,” and “keep your grades in good standing”?

You can call it a lot of different things, but it’s just disappointing. I do think we have to remember — sorry! — kids will be kids and at this age and stage in their life — popular teenager in college — they’re prone to errors in action and judgment. That said, we shouldn’t offer any type of exoneration because of who and how old they are. Mistakes are mistakes and there are consequences. Sooner or later, punishments for general knuckleheadedness has to grow increasingly severe to act as a deterrent and not a penalty.

Birch said:

Kinda makes you appreciate the tight ship Oll Stewart runs. He’s got 80+ kids to worry about. Not twelve.  

I would agree with that, but I’d also say neither Huggins nor anyone on his staff is encouraging or condoning this stuff. It’s not a loose ship. It’s infuriating, I’m sure, for them to have to deal with this. Also, both Huggins and Stewart have been consistent and actually pretty severe in handling punishments. Look at the length of the suspensions for Jock and Mazzulla … and we don’t know what’s gone on behind the scenes or what will happen if/when they’re reinstated.  

Dave said:

Help me out here … we’re supposedly a pre-season top 10 team and contender for the Big East title, but the storyline going into the season will be how WVU’s playing without their two top guards due to suspension.

I can already hear the “what kind of program is WVU running down there in the mountains” jokes at work, given the reputation of Huggins, and the alcohol-related suspensions of both Mazzula and Bryant.

Maybe Ms. Durst can sling a moonshine jug over her shoulder during the home games?

This whole thing makes me sick.  

Dave also said:

Oops … sorry, I forgot to include the reason for the “help” request. I can’t think of another pre-season top 10 squad being handicapped by both starting guards, or even just two starters, being indefinitely suspended going into the year. Can anyone else?  

I’ve scanned some preseason prediction polls and WVU is indeed alone. Perhaps it costs them in the loss column and in the rankings. That would be quite a punishment, I’m sure. Again, it’s disappointing because while people should be having fun and enjoying themselves, there is a certain level of responsibility to be maintained given their status and their goals. If there was a way to fix what is, whether we want to admit it or not, general adolescent behavior, I’m sure this wouldn’t be as widespread a problem as it is across the country. I’ll also reiterate Truck’s suspension is not “alcohol-related.” It’s not smart, of course, but — get ready — it is what it is.

Foul Shot said:

“It is what it is.”
I believe this is already defined in the ‘Oll Encyclodia.
If not, a definition suggestion/addition for this could be:
“BS excuse for results due to actions which make no sense.”
July 4th was a “13-9″ for Truck.
Where was Truck getting the money to pay the damages?
That is even more of a concern.
Was Truck driving a Truck?
Just maddening.

Hey, add “maddening” to “disappointing,” please. 

Birch said:

According the the Dominion Post he was driving a Dodge Charger. Same as Jock. John Howard sells Dodge’s. I’m not saying it.

…moving on…

Alli said:

Once again this occurred on Stewartstown road. Same road that Jock Sanders was pulled over. The same road that Collington, Holmes and the rest of that crew were pulled over. I think all Morgantown residents should avoid Stewartstown after 9 pm Thursday-Saturday because clearly only idiots are on that road at that time.

Good advice. I lived on Stewartstown Road for two great years and I witnessed plenty of flashing lights. I said witnessed, not triggered.

Dave said:

Alli –

Maybe they should put up a sign like they do for slippery roads or deer crossing? They could have a flying WV with an “Athlete Zone” warning from 8pm – 6am.

Yes! What will it look like? I like the diamond-shaped yellow signs. Let’s go with that and a something universal … like car with a person wearing a helmet behind the wheel. Call the (new) mayor!

oklahoma mountaineer said:

Self inflicted gunshots hurt the worst……Mazzula is probably going to be coming off suspension — I’d assume its going to be like Jock where if he was going to be cut loose, it would have happened already…..and we lose the Truck for extended timeframe, if not for good.

Looks like, hopefully, another season of a 1-point team; not exactly a formula for Big East contention.

Whatever happens to Mazzulla will have no bearing on Truck. And to be honest, I’m pretty confident Truck won’t be kicked off the team, unless he lams it, refuses to appear in court or does something new or something that adds to the situation. I hate to be That Guy, but as I understand the case, it’s not an expellable offense. It’s dumb, sure, but it’s not finite.

Karl said:

Sarah Barracuda will be free and ready to take the ball down the court, keep her eye on the basket and dish the pass to the open man for the win  

Before I say it, let’s appreciate the brilliance of this comment. Enjoy the weekend!