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Looks like this Brunetti kid is OK

Don’t underestimate the meaning in Barry Brunetti securing an invitation to Steve Clarkson’s Super Seven quarterback retreat — it means something, beyond “I’m next door to the ocean,” which, of course, is never a bad thing.

But if you play that position and you are at the Super Seven, the chances are good you’ll one day matter. And Brunetti did not disappoint.

Strengths:His smooth, compact delivery is the best of the group. Brunetti has terrific velocity and good arm strength. He’s a good athlete, and his excellent feet allow him to throws effectively on the move.

Areas for improvement: Must compensate for lack of ideal height; must improve drop depth and set up balance; sinks hips low on plant foot and will negate his height as a result; must open hips in drops on throws to his left.

Let’s analyze, shall we? Simply said, he’s got a lot going for him. Great mechanics, live arm, nimble and accurate. As for weaknesses, well, these things tend to be picky. Barry has to get taller. Can’t really hold that against him, though. The drop depth and set up balance are important, yes, but in a shotgun offense the value is somewhat negated. It’d be nice if that were a little more polished, but he’s not perfect. That, as well as the hip-sinking and hip-shifting, are things for Jeff Mullen to work on when Brunetti arrives.

Provided he does arrive. No one’s going to take that commitment to WVU as a case closed. Just watch.