The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

Friday Feedback

Welcome to a Welcome Back edition of the Friday Feedback. Set off the fireworks! Pretty good quasi-week considering Monday was blank and I think half the American workforce mailed it in Thursday. I’m not sure anyone is actually at work today, except me. Anyhow, a few neat little topics came along that carried the days, but, wouldn’t you know it, WVU-Marshall demanded out attention.

I mean, demanded!

Casazza Is an Eerdiot said:

This garbage you spew is very unprofessional and typical of a self centered delusional Mountaineer fan. One of the 1 for 1s that you would like to see inked or played has already been fulfilled. Marshall went to Cincy in 2007 and Cincy rolled into Huntington last year.

Just because you say something, doesn’t make it true. You can talk about all this strongarm stuff that you want, but the truth is MU helps WVU. Nobody in their right mind, especially somebody leading such a prestigious football program as WVU, would sign a contract that put their program in jeopardy. If MU didn’t benefit WVU, Pastilong wouldn’t have signed.

Just tell the truth:

1. You don’t like Marshall
2. You are afraid Marshall will beat WVU
3. You make demeaning statements about Marshall, because you think such statements make you and WVU look better.
4. In the back of your mind you know WVU is not an elite program and you are scared to death that the wheels will fall of this dream ride any day.

People that make the “high school” stadium coments obviously don’t think before they speak. If MU’s stadium is too small, then stop playing ECU, UCONN, Cincy, Louisville, and Rutgers. Besides, if you play in Huntington that is 20,000 less chances that one of your fans will be wearing a “West F@#$%^& Virginia” shirt on TV.

First, do you feel better? Second, allow me to answer you point-by-point:

1. You got me.
2. ” ” ”
3. ” ” ”
4. ” ” ”

Onto the Feedback. As always, comments appear as posted. In other words, mind the pumpkins!

Tevits Finau’s Ghost said:

WVU fans (and I’m one of the biggest) and their absolute dismissiveness on this issue astounds me. Why shouldn’t we play Marshall home and home? Why does a 2 and 1 deal really make it any different? I love making fun of the herd as much as the next guy but I really don’t get our recalcitrance here.

Marshall is the only other division one program in the state. Competition is a good thing and despite Marshall’s decline of late, they’re still a good football school with a good football history, and they look a heck of a lot better as a win on our schedule than Liberty or Villanova. Do we really prefer to pay UNLV 3/4 of a million bucks than play in Huntington every other year?

The Biig East ain’t getting any stronger any time soon; let’s say (hypothetically here) we run the table, go undefeated, and we got 1 or 2 of these throw away games on our resume. Meanwhile, Oklahoma is 10 and 2 with a big 12 title and Florida is 10 and 1 with the SEC title. WVU just isn’t getting the nod from the Lee Corsos of the FBS world.

I just don’t see how it hurts us as a program, and it does a lot for a state to have a good rivalry, something that will never happen as is.

This gets the lead for two reasons: the name and the use of the word recalcitrance. I see your points, even if they are a tad idealistic … and I’d honestly prefer an idea world. Far less complicated that way. The bottom line, however, is the bottom line and for WVU it doesn’t make financial sense to do the 1-for-1. It’s unfortunate, but sentiment can’t override business. Take away the fact it’s Marshall. Why would WVU play … Tulsa home-and-home every year? It wouldn’t happen. To tie this comment and the prior one together, I completely understand WVU’s stance. I’m not saying it’s wrong or right. I merely understand it and have no problem with that position.

ccteam said:
You are certainly on target with your comments about Marcum “remembering” that the understanding was going to be one for one after the first contract. No way that is the understading WV had then or now. People in negotiation situations often “hear” what they want to hear. Marcum is almost certainly doing that in this case.

That “remembering” comment was quickly dismissed by Team WVU.

Mack said:

“I’ve read about the comparison of the 1-1 with ECU, but the differences seem to be the long-standing relationship with ECU and the increased recruiting grounds for WVU. Neither of those apply to the Marshall series.”

I like East Carolina, but I’ve never understood the 1-1 deal with them. “Increased recruiting grounds?” Wasn’t Dorell Jalloh the only North Carolina player on our team last year?

If we’re going to play a typically-crappy North Carolina team, I think NC State makes the most sense. BCS conference, bigger stadium, easier to travel to, etc.

You, sir, are not alone on this one. I like ECU. Fun road trip. Great atmosphere. Every now and then a pretty good team. That said, the 1-for-1 has long baffled me. Doesn’t that kind of handcuff WVU in scheduling? Hasn’t it caused at least some issue regarding Marshall? I’m just not sure what the reward is. Maybe it’s me.

Country Roads said:

Marcum does have valid points regarding Marshall’s stance on accepting a 2-for-1 from WVU yet wanting/getting 1-for-1 deals with other Big East schools. But that doesn’t change WVU’s position that it shouldn’t (or can’t afford to) do anything less than a 2-for-1. To me, all arguments aside as to any benefit to the State of continuing this series, that means Marshall has two options: give WVU a 2-for-1 or don’t play them at all. Pretty simple, really.

Agreed. Again, WVU has its position and what Marshall — or anyone else — has or thinks by comparison shouldn’t really matter. And again, I’d like to see some of these 1-for-1s between Marshall and the Big East (and, yes, I’m aware UC and MU already had theirs, but one series does not make the case). If they’re trying and it’s not getting done, what does that really mean?

Dave said:

Is there any faith that Coley will be a viable backup QB? If not, and he’s as fast and as good of an athletic as advertised, then why leave him there and not put him at another position?

As for Smith, I hope that the injury was not due to a “high risk” issue. I mean, there is “living” and then there is “I understand that I may be the backup QB and that it might not be wise to play on the highway.”

That Coley’s not at another position already shows there is faith in his QB skills. He needs time both physically and mentally. If people forgot about the greatest winner in the history of greatest winners, that’d help, too. As for Geno, I’d say it was probably in between. It wasn’t anything out of “The Program.”

Bill said:

What’s the scoop with Deon Long? Is he a really highly touted WR? Aren’t we feeling pretty good about our depth there this year without him? Sanders, Lyons, Arnett, Starks, possibly Heastie, a myriad of TE’s, and a few other freshmen too….

Bill also said:

Also, regarding Geno Smith – I guess he can at least watch a ton of film, practices, etc from the sidelines. Obviously his physical fitness will be a concern.

Do we have any inside scoop on Coley? Seems like the information put out thus far has been few and far between, and generally in the neighborhood of “not looking great”.

As for Starks, it sounds like he can be a serviceable backup but what kind of arm does he have?

Long was good and he really liked the idea of playing with Geno and Heastie. I don’t think anyone else minded, either. He’s got a chance to make it, but I’m also hearing he’s been exploring prep schools. I’m not sure WVU is as deep at receiver as the perception suggests. Seems to me people just know the names. On paper, you’ve got a juco transfer who came on strong and peaked in the bowl, a converted QB coming off shoulder surgery who suddenly has to consider playing QB, an enigma who is now a 6-foot-8 slot machine, a few small guys who have good hands but have never played very much, the leading receiver who remains on indefinite suspension and a few freshmen. Am I missing something here? As for Geno, yes, QB is the most difficult position to learn and he has nothing to do but take mental reps now, but to suggest the injury isn’t significant and studying is better than being out there now and applying your education is absurd. This matters. He’s not going to be in shape when camp starts and he’s probably not going to be given any preferential treatment. In short, this matters for the young man. As for Starks, the question is his arm and his comfort. He’d need time to readjust to the position, even though he’s spent time studying it, and he hasn’t been allowed to open up and throw a ball until recently.

philip said:

whoa. a “fans of mike casazza” on the facebook? the next level of content delivery or another rock in the crackpipe of online addiction?

Both? I’m chewing on this. If I can toe the line — crack delivery? — it may be worth the effort.

Country Roads said:

I like the proposed change to the BET. It means the bottom seeds don’t have to win as many games to get through, which evens the field a bit, and makes for better matchups (was anyone really watching the 11-14 game last year anyway?). Also glad to see Villanova making the home-and-away slate. I always enjoy playing them, and those should be fantastic games this year, even if they do owe us for the shellacking in Morgantown last season.

It’s unique and probably the only way they could tweak it without just doing away with the 16 teams. I like that initiative. I also like the Mountaineers’ schedule. They’re playing Villanova on TV twice. They are. They avoid Georgetown’s blah atmosphere and Louisville and Syracuse’s insanity, none of which WVU has dealt very well with in recent years. No game at UC means I don’t have to ask Huggins another question about returning there while wondering if he’ll pluck my head from my shoulders. Potential resume builders at UConn and Notre Dame (or acceptable losses). NYC area games against Seton Hall and St. John’s. And was there any doubt there’d be a home game against Marquette after the dust-up late last year.

Foul Shot said:

“Joe Mazzulla returns to Providence,”

Is Joe oficially back in the fold?

Whatever do you mean?

Dave said:

I hope for the best for the kid, but if he *still* does not have enough credits then he needs to find another advisor(s). I can understand trying to push through and finding out that there is a roadblock or two, but this is getting to be a bit ridiculous.

I guess that I’m somewhat surprised that WVU has not helped (or maybe, they cannot) this kid through this process to simply say from Day 1, “this is what you need to be accepted.” I mean 3, 4 times he’s on his way and each time there seems to be some question or qualification that’s not met? Put another way, if I was on my way to a D1 school and commited three times, I would be **** well sure that I knew what needed to get done so I could go.

Tevita Finau will be here. There, I said it.

ccteam said:

I heard that he was sighted at the Weston Sheetz with Elvis and Gwaltney.

Enjoy the holiday!

Birch said:

And Terence Kerns was pumping their gas.

Enjoy the weekend!