The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom


Needed a break from my vacation, so a return-to-work came along at a pretty good time. Almost nothing happened most of the time I was away, except the establishment of Oll Encyclopedia’s foundation. Can’t wait to get that going.

And then the weekend came and things jumped up a notch. To review, some freshman football players reported to WVU, an almost mythical JUCO recruit did not, one receiver likely won’t make it, one defensive lineman has visa issues not related to credit card debt and a potentially important part of the offense is sidelined with a foot injury caused in an off-the-field incident.

And all these things happened in the past 72 hours. I honestly could have stepped out for three weeks and you bet things would have heated up right before I was set to return. Never fails.

Where to begin…

If WVU was counting on Geno Smith to contribute this season, WVU is in a bind today. Smith broke a bone in his left foot in an incident not related to football. He’s reportedly out six to eight weeks. Fall camp starts Aug. 7. Do the math … and say hello to Coley White, or Brad Starks, which could really throw things out of whack.

In less surprising news, Tevita Finau did not report as the Mountaineers proclaimed he would Sunday. Word from WVU is Finau — he’s signed three LOIs with WVU — has finished all the requisite work and just needs official grades so he can apply to WVU. Seems like a technicality, but let’s be honest: Is it ever?

Defensive lineman Curtis Feigt also no-showed, but the German-born player is trying to procure a student visa. Not sure how that sneaked up on anyone, but it happens. Seems a matter of time until he reports.

It looks as though Washington, D.C., receiver Deon Long might not make it. He’s apparently way off on the SAT score he needs to accompany his GPA and make him eligible. For the optimists, he took a test earlier in June and hasn’t received the score yet, so it might come around quickly and bring with it good news. Kid’s a player.