The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

Jock supporter

Still-suspended receiver Jock Sanders has been granted permission to work out with the team in the ongoing unsupervised offseason workouts, but still has work to do before he’s reinstated.

Before Stewart will allow Sanders to participate in camp or play in any games he must pass a DMV driving class and stand before the Student Judiciary Committee chaired by Melanie Cook.

“If he does all that, he probably still will be facing a suspension,” Stewart said.

But Stewart believes that Sanders has been moving in the right direction in straightening himself out.

“I told him that letting him work out is an act of good faith on our part,” Stewart said. “I did it with the backing of my athletic director and after talking to my seniors. But I also let him know that he must still pass the required DMV course and the Judiciary Committee.”