The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

Talking points

Not this night! Uh, morning. And not for the foreseeable future. What used to be a way to review what happened over the weekends I’d spent covering basketball and football games is kind of pointless now. There’s really nothing going on that transpires over the weekend and we were one more Chelsea Carrier link away from people wondering if I’m perhaps a little crazy or a little too enthusiastic about Buckhannon. (The answers are yes and yes).

And yet this was one of those neat weekends to be in or of Morgantown, capped off by the oddly endearing old school hip hop concert at Pro Performance last night. And kudos to Pro Performance, which staged Young MC, The Sugarhill Gang, Rob Base and Naughty by Nature at the indoor facility, which I didn’t think was possible.

The highlight was finale, which began with an awkward mic handoff among various WVAQ personalities and someone who shrieked “And now, Naughty by Natuuuuuuuuure.” Nine minutes later, the group took the stage. And then lit it up. Pretty neat show in that “Holy crap, I forgot how good these guys were” kind of way. Almost made you forget about the Bob Huggins fantasy camp.


This is going to be a big-time fixture in town. It’s a three-day party and probably a value at $3,000. There were 36 campers this time and I can’t help but think we’re too far from 50, which might be a pit stop on the way to 75 or 100. It’s a huge people-watching, celebrity-sighting weekend, too, when it’s actually fun to be downtown in places you might not normally find yourself. 

I’m also sure this is one reason Twitter exists. If I was a Twit, here are things I could have Tweeted:

June 5, 11:18 PM: Talking to (Person A). He’s had to ask strangers not to take his picture. One stranger agreed and they exchanged man hugs. 

June 5, 11:19 PM: But now no one’s gonna believe I roll with people more important than my wife at a neighborhood association meeting.

June 5, 11:58 PM: (Person B) is dancing his face off! Who knew?

June 6, 1:08 AM: (Person C) does not drink. Just water.

June 7, 3:14 AM: (Person D) and (Recognizable Woman A) just got on an elevator together at Waterfront Place. Fantasy camp for everyone, I guess.

June 7, 4:41 AM: (Person C) is in my living room. Seriously. I was asleep. (Person C) thought it’d be funny to wake me up. I laughed. 

June 7, 5:03 PM: At a tailgate for the concert. (Male Quasi Celebrity A) asked for a peach margarita. Can’t make that stuff up!

June 7, 10:15 PM: OPP! 

And this is why I’ll never Tweet.