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Kirelawich: Fan of baseball, fire

Once upon a time Bill Kirelawich, WVU’s soft as sandpaper, tough as trigonometry defensive line coach, was actually a high school baseball coach.

Seems odd if you’re familiar with the man and the fire that still burns bright today because baseball doesn’t provide the constant intensity and adrenaline as does football. Baseball is a slower and more methodical game. Football is planned chaos. Baseball is susceptible to the elements. Football is susceptible to nothing … and neither was Kirlav.

Then there was this game they felt they had to get in, only it rained and it rained.

When it finally stopped — it always does, you know — Kirelawich wasn’t about to let a wet field get in the way of playing.

“I sent a kid out to fill up a 5-gallon can with gasoline,” Kirelawich said. “We set that infield on fire to dry the field. You do that today and you get arrested.”