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Where else would Bill Parcells find the evolutionary element for the Wildcat offense?

“We don’t know where it’s going,” Parcells said of White and the “WildPat.” “He demonstrated qualities that are rare in a collegiate player. I don’t know what it was, but at the end of the day it seemed his team wound up winning.

“Physically, he is not a prototypical NFL quarterback. His height is not prototypical of an NFL quarterback. His weight is not prototypical of an NFL quarterback. But his athletic abilities are superior.”

Parcells would note it is “funny” how you sometimes discover things at times and places you’d least expect, but what’s most amusing is how this newfangled offense is only new in that teams are just not getting around to incorporating it in the NFL.

“The similarities go back to the original single wing (which was perfected by Knute Rockne), while elements of it evolved from the old Delaware Wing-T of Davey Nelson,” Parcells said.

Oh, yes, there was one more thing that Parcells had to offer on this offense that he credits his coaches with devising.

“We practiced it a little when I was coaching with the New York Jets. We had player named Leon Johnson, who was a high school quarterback, and we liked the idea you could get another blocker on the field. We were looking at it as a goal-line offense, but never used it in a game,” he said.