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Jeremy Johnson, come on down

The regarded Texas prep quarterback has apparently committed to WVU after a Memorial Day weekend visit, which works nicely alongside a story about how Jeff Mullen is now recruiting quarterbacks for the Mountaineers.

“We’ve got running backs we recruit to get rushing stats and we’ve got wide receivers that we want to throw the ball to and so we need to throw the ball to them because that’s the way we want to attack the defense because the quarterback position for us is a throw-first position,” Mullen said.

“We’re never going to be in the market for a 6-5, 240-pound sit-in-the-pocket kind of guy. As a spread offense, a shotgun offense, the math doesn’t add up unless the quarterback is a threat to run.

“Trust me, we’re still going to look for lightning in a bottle. We’d love to get a kid who, every time he pulls it down, makes everyone in the stands hold their breath. But at the same time, we’ve got to make sure he’s a thrower as well or else we’ll never achieve the balance we’re looking for.”