The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

Moving on…

Laptop was infiltrated by some bizarre virus I’ve finally chased away. As for this big day, that was one sidestep and something I thought might happen has not and probably won’t. Not right away, at least.

Something that did happen, though, was Huggins once again making a case for the basketball practice facility.

“If you look around, we’re about the only team that doesn’t have a practice facility,” Huggins said, pointing to the new wrestling building, the gymnastics building, the football facility, the indoor and outdoor tracks.

But $26 million?

“If you are going to do it, why not do it right the first time?” he asked.

Hmmmmm …

“Obviously, you could build it cheaper, but do that and two years from now you will be wishing you did it right,” he argued. “The Coliseum – they did that right. Buildings that were built 10 or 15 years after the Coliseum now look antiquated but it is still a good arena.”

I don’t think this is a divisive issue in the athletic department in that it will create a split, drive a wedge in the middle and slame it with a sledgehammer like what preceded the Product’s exit. I do, however, think this is a defining moment for someone over there.

Clearly, there’s a basic difference of philosophy as to when and how the already planned construction will begin. Perhaps a common ground is reached, but doesn’t it seem like there will be a winner and a loser here? Someone’s idea is going to trump someone else’s — even if a yet-to-be-identified third party enters — and that someone is going to have a lot of sway from that point forward.