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‘me killing this kid…im #22′

Jessel Curry, as you have probably heard, told WVU last week he planned to be part of the 2010 football recruiting class. We see a lot of highlight videos these days, but Curry’s is something else.

So, too, is the caption.

If you’re lucky enough to have the sound on and the ability to stream video at work, you’ll hear Steven Atwater recovered the fumble because he “happened to be in the right place at the right time.” On the replay, it’s noted that Jessel Curry made the hit.

“That’s a couple of NFL players’ sons involved in that play there.”

Steven Atwater is, of course, the son of Steve Atwater, who once did this. Jessel is the son of Buddy Curry, who played eight years with the Atlanta Falcons. Chances are that wasn’t the only play involving sons of NFL players that night.

Oh, and if you’re really sharp, you’ll remember that Jessel’s Buford High gave WVU Thor Merrow a few years ago and Thor Merrow is the son of soon-to-be WVU Hall of Famer Jeff Merrow.