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Huggins and loyalty

There was a neat little story last year about the at-long-last graduation of Corie Blount from the University of Cincinnati. I can’t remember Bob Huggins bringing this up once, even though he was deeply involved in the entire ordeal and certainly had a great deal of incentive to point to it as a way to show how the graduation numbers can sometimes be flawed.

“Here’s a guy who was 11 years in the NBA and came back and finishes his degree, and it is never going to show up on a statistic,” Huggins said last month. “But we know, and I think that’s what’s important. He wants to coach. He will be able to go on and coach.”

Ehhh, probably not. Mr. Blount is going to jail for a while after being caught in possession of about 30 pounds of marijuana and contributing to one of the zanier quotes in quite some time.

“Cheech and Chong would have a hard time smoking that much,” Hedric said, repeatedly marveling that, “that’s a lot of marijuana.”

This is where we dig into Huggins’ character and accuse him of crusading for his reputation. Stuff like that, right?

Quite the opposite. A guy like Blount may let Huggins down, but Huggins won’t let a guy guy like Blount down. And again, not a mention of this was made to anyone.