The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

Once more, with (no) feeling

In her farewell Q&A with the Cincinnati Enquirer, outbound President Nancy Zimpher admitted she’d handle her defining clash with Bob Huggins differently.

Well, kind of.

I would shorten the time frame. I thought that we were presenting options for a reasonable resolution of our differences. And we never really got to debate those options, because it went immediately to the court of public opinion. And I wasn’t able, given my own ethics, to give line and verse to what we had discussed, and therefore took my knocks in the court of public opinion. And that caused everything to slow down. Dragging something out is never is healthy as just getting on with it and getting it done. And that takes two. That takes two people working together to reach a reasonable conclusion.

Along those lines — “Dragging something out is never healthy…” — I suppose the best part of this, for both Huggins and Zimpher, is it’s over. Neither is associated with U.C. any more and neither has to tiptoe around impossible-to-avoid issues. Good riddance to all that.