The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

Talking points

… from the weekend that was. For your use in elevator rides, trips to the water cooler and other awkward moments on a Monday. Sponsored by “Great Achievements in Triviality” — the 1100 Club was already taken. 

– OK, so maybe now it’s clear. Stop pitching to Vince Belnome … seriously.

– Now that’s a high jump.

– Mike Carey is back at it again. (By the way … 11 assistants!?!?!)

Big finish for 7-27 Eisbaren Bremerhaven! Mike Gansey scores 15 and averages 19 points in the final six games. Ever gracious, Gansey thanked the fans and said (something along the lines of): “Bad words were not to be heard, on the contrary: There was everywhere … good desires for the future. That was a completely special tendency, because finally we bucked the season. … Nevertheless the people always supported us. That is great.”

– In the height of irony, Bill Stewart’s No. 1 fan Ken Kendrick is not handling skepticism very well.