The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

Call to arms

Today’s defense exploration of ticket prices at WVU generated the expected variety of comments ranging from insightful to inane.

And then there was this e-mail:

Dear Mike, I read your article about season tickets and about people being able to afford the tickets.  I have four front row seats and have been coming back to Morgantown for football games ever since I graduated in 1994.  I currently and have always resided in New Jersey and make the trip for most of the games if not all and I was deciding if I can hold on to my tickets because of this poor economy.  I nearly cut two of them but then decided to keep my 4.  Sometimes I have extras and sometimes I don’t as I usually bring different friends to each game to get the experience of Morgantown.  This year I may be thinking about doing something else.  Do you know of any veterans that have served our country that may have been wounded, that are having trouble getting things together? I saw a program on ESPN outside the lines about how fishing has helped these vets and I was thinking perhaps I could help even for only maybe one Saturday afternoon.  As crazy as it sounds I understand West Virginia as well as any outsider even being from New Jersey. There is something about seeing the WV emblem in another state and you just nod and the other person knows exactly what the emblem means.  It is for the right for West Virginia to be number one just once, to fight the stupid stereotypes of the state and for just one time how we would like to be number one in something. West Virginia is my second home, no I don’t live there but I went to college there and it’s our school.  Please let me know about any Vets that may be interested in a game and I will let you know what I can do.    

I can do this: Ask for the public’s help. Seems like a request as resonable as yours is noble.