The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

The sad tale of Kyle Turnbull

(and the annoying ad that accompanies this story.)

When he could, he wrestled and wrestled well. He might have gone on and used the sixth year of eligibility he could have had, were it not been for the fact that his right shoulder began aching and there was pain his neck, tests revealing he was in need of more shoulder surgery and had a herniated disc.

And so, one February night, he and his father dined at the Synergy Chop and Steakhouse in the Wharf District, and Kyle Turnbull told his father that with a 3.8 grade-point average, with a degree in finance and looking to move on to law school, he had decided not to press forward and have the surgery or wrestle while injured any longer.

“He made the rational choice,” Craig Turnbull admits.

And when he asked his son what he thought about his decision, young Kyle replied:

“I think it sucks.”