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Now for the pink elephant

It’s been standing there in the corner today and we haven’t really addressed it. What is the future of Joe Mazzulla after his latest off-the-court exploit?

Topics like this tend to fascinate and frustrate me. Why? There are reasons, but manly it’s because I often do know and have relationships with the people involved. On some levels, there is admiration for who they are and what they do and it frankly sucks to see people fall.

In addition, public opinion sometimes frightens me. There are people who see the offense and form their conclusion around just that. They never study or bother to learn about what’s really happened. There are also people who are more measured and try to be rational. Frequently, they arrive at the same conclusion and this case is no different.

A lot of people think Joe has to go. I can see that. I wouldn’t be surprised if it happened if the episode does in fact warrant such an outcome. I just happen to disagree with that course of action. And, of course, people disagree with me. It happens, though I certainly don’t mind. In fact, I rather like observing and enhancing the discussion. Let’s take a look, shall we?

I find your defense of Joe Mazulla to be premature and ill-informed. Shouldn’t you wait for the facts to come out before jumping in on one side or another?

Yes, Joe Mazulla has had a rough year. It seems like things have gone downhill for him ever since he got some positive attention on national TV during last year’s tournament.

I am sure that Huggins and the administration know more about his situation than you will ever know. I will trust them to weigh all of the factors, and respond in an appropriate manner, based on all of the information they have before them. Part of that information will be confidential, as it should be.

There will be many questions for them to address:
1. Should he remain on the team?
2. Should he remain on scholarship?
3. Should he remain on campus?

Part of the response will depend on how many other incidents and offenses has he been involved in that we may not know about, and whether he demonstrates he can get his act together.

Well, I and we know a lot of the facts already. And it’s simply not premature or ill-informed to say Joe is having trouble. He was arrested for an alleged incident and it’s not the first time he’s been in trouble. And I didn’t think I was defending him. Or people who (allegedly) batter women — or men, for that matter. Let me ask you this: Had I said he needs to go, you’d argue the other way, too, right? I just don’t think kicking him off the team is a very good idea. We can disagree. On the whole, I agree with your general point: Let the proper people consider all the information and make a decision. Until then — and this was my point — let’s remember what he’d been through as well as what he’s done and been accused of doing. By the way, “I am sure that Huggins and the administration know more about his situation than you will ever know.” Maybe. But just maybe I know a thing or two, too.

Joe must go
Don’t care what transpired, there is simply NO EXCUSE to choke a woman.
He is a lose cannon.
He couldn’t even contain himself sitting on the bench half the time.
Don’t care what our record is without him.
WVU is better off without a troublemaker
Beilien got rid of Schifino, and Huggs must got rid of MAzzula if he doesn’t want to bring that same reputation to WVU as he had with Cinncy.

I get that. I really do. But what if he didn’t choke her? What if it was an argument and it escalated and he just tried to control her in public and his hand found her throat? It’s not right — again, it’s not — but that’s different than choking her … and nowhere have I read or heard he choked her. I’ll flip the other side of that coin, too. If he did choke her or if he grabbed her by the throat and pushed her down, that’s a big, big problem. My point? What really happened could be one or the other or something entirely different. If he is, as you say, a “lose cannon,” does he not need help? Lastly, I admire the nobility in your stance.

Whoa, there.
Has anyone stopped to think about what this guy might do if he gets kicked off the team? I’m not saying his actions are excusable or that he should even play on the court … but let’s think about the other side for a second. He has been trained to be aggressive and passionate. He lived, ate, and breathed basketball up until his season-ending injury and has sat on the sidelines for months in turmoil — I would guess both emotional and physical. Of course he was going to snap. The kid needs help. It would be a bad thing for WVU to turn its back on him now.

Good point. Again, you can’t condone what he did if it’s true. But here’s a kid who was so widely and happily praised for his tenacity and his fire and he hasn’t had an outlet for it or for all the emotion he’s bottled up in his absence. That energy sometimes manifests itself in other ways. Perhaps that happened here, I don’t know. It’s at least a cause for concern. And, again, it’s not right, but maybe it’s correctable.

Casazza you are way too compassionate and sympathetic for Mazulla. He needs to go, we don’t have time or need folks who can’t control their actions, and resort to violence, especially against women. I cannot believe you think he has had a hell of year and that WVU should baby him and keep him in the fold. A hell of year are those guys and gals who put on a military uniform and serve overseas away from their loved ones for a year. A third chance is two too many, we have others in line who can replace him. A criminal should not be allowed to get a free ride to WVU.

Yeah, I’m guilty of feeling for the kid. Sorry. Since I presume you have a place for kids who do control themselves, would you have a place for Joe if he rehabilitated himself? Or would you deprive himself a chance to improve his life? I don’t think counseling is babying him. Nor do I think ripping his scholarship and allowing him a chance to earn it back is babying him. As for the military analogy, that’s insulting. I’m not even going to touch it.

Life is tough. Mazzulla needs to grow up.

Yes, he does. But how and with what help?


Thank you for the personal view. I hope people read and understand that.

This young man made poor choices and should live with the consequences. He had a scholarship he apparently will now loose. To blame alcohol is ridiculous. The woman battering thing is awful. And the person who did sell him alcohol or gave it to him should be prosecuted if you want to bring that into the mix. He made his bed.

I’m not blaming alcohol. I know people who drink and don’t get into this type of stuff. It’s just not right to overlook the role alcohol has played … and, as you point out, he’s not yet legal drinking age. There’s time, if he gets it.