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What’s 80% of $26 million?

Certainly, it’s more than $5 million, which is what WVU — or is it Bob Huggins? — has raised toward the practice facility. Seems like a good place to start, right.

Not at all.

Ed Pastilong would prefer a little more cash in hand, Huggins begs to differ and now we can begin to understand the delay.

“We’ve done all of the engineering, have the designs and cost estimates,” Pastilong said. “We’ve got some money in hand, but just not enough to initiate the project now.

“Our Mountaineer Athletic Club fundraisers and Coach Huggins have been working hard to get us to a sufficient amount of dollars in hand that would allow us to begin, but on a $26 million project we have less than one-fifth of that in hand.

“In order for us to be comfortable and also responsible, we need to have 75-80 percent cash in hand before we begin construction.”

Huggins disagreed with the AD, calling the 75-80 percent cash threshold “unrealistic.”

Using an example of $1 million, Huggins said that if a donor is going to give that amount, “it would be something like $250 (thousand) over four years, or over some period of time … All of the renovations we’ve done here (in the coliseum) and in football have gone that way. It’s not feasible to have $25 million in hand before we start.”