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Real footage of Kilicli!


If you’ve been here a while, you’ll remember news of Deniz Kilici’s promise to play for WVU and how I and we couldn’t find any footage of the kid. That’s changed, in some regard, because a lot of people have seen him in person or even on television playing for Mountain State Academy.

And now we can feature him playing — and dunking! — at the Scott Brown Memorial Classic. Kilicli was the dunk contest winner and MVP in the game, when he was at times unstoppable as he finished with 31 points and 18 rebounds. It was the kind of boost he may very well have needed after a so-so debut season in the States.

And give the kid credit. He’s incredibly open and honest about his experience … and what he’s about to experience.

And as he learns, you can bet that he will end up on Huggins’ infamous treadmill.

“They all end up on it,” he said.

“I already know about it and I have one at my house and I practice on it all the time,” Kilicli said. “I know I have to be ready for that for sure.”