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Friday Feedback

Welcome once again to the Friday Feedback, which is generally mediocre to above average. Today, it cannot be argued. This is a Good Friday Feedback.

… and since it goes downhill from there — and there just isn’t a lot to talk about we haven’t spent too much time talking about already — onto the Feedback. As always comments appear as posted. In other words, practice!

mountiefan3 said:

Game one to the Mountaineers! It looks like this team is for real. They can score with anyone, but I don’t know if they have the pitching. If they keep this up it’ll be a fun summer in Morgantown.

Big night at the yard and big night for John Antonik’s headline writing. These guys mash — and maybe the Big East is down a little this year? — but the huge number was 828 in the stands.

Insider said:

Mike, everyone KNOWS that Jack B. is an Pastilong and Parsons dupe, but we never thought you fell into that category – get your facts right on this story. For example: (1) Your cited article from none other than Jack the hack indicates that the A Dept. would have never balked at doing a lifetime deal with Huggins and that Pastilong was just sort of around for some big events. Anyone around the process at the time KNOWS FOR A FACT that Eddie pushed back for MONTHS on the idea and told the President that he would not sign the contract. Huggins wanted it done IN THE FALL OF 07 but Eddie would budge (and hadn’t bothered to get the original contract signed; (2) though Walker was thought to be a logical choice for Garrison at AD, Whit B. was Garrison’s (and many others) choice if he would come back. Many are aware that Garrison tried hard to get WB to stay but the Eddie and Mike show was too much for him to take; (3) Recall that EP’s original contract – signed before Garrison was ever in office – only took EP to June 30, 2010 – all Garrison did was give old Eddie 2 extra Emeritus years doing little to nothing (pretty much like it is right now); and (4) though a little off topic, if it were up to EP, the U would have never pursued RR and the $4 mil – he actually tried to talk Garrison out of it b/c he was concerned about the dirty laundry that would come out about the dept. dysfunction.

Really, buddy, you gotta get more sources than just Parsons. Heck, why don’t you call Garrison and just ask him directly. 

(Deep breath) I know you’ve been waiting and your second comment (not included) bothered me because I’m not trying to provoke you or anyone else here. In fact, points like yours are, in essence, why we’re here. I welcome and appreciate the input. That said, you’ve missed the point.

To begin, the post wasn’t about me supporting or attacking more years for Pastilong — and with regard to your follow-up comment, I’m not interested in slicing or spinning anything about Pastilong’s future and whatever shape it takes or the fact Garrison/Walker/Huggins maybe did have to do some stuff to get things going in the athletic department. No, the purpose of the post was how it seemed, to me, like the first real public mention of what had been a whispered discussion. The larger point was how some of the conflict is now gone … and even we can agree there was conflict somewhere there. That would then reason Pastilong maybe stays. That’s all that was said. 

Secondly, everyone doesn’t know Jack is a dupe. That’s kind of absurd, actually. I’ll blow by the assertion I am, too. Those people would call us or me some names. Dupe is not one. Dope? Perhaps.

As for your point-by-point, which, again, is provocative, allow me to reply. (1) Yes, that’s Jack’s article. I don’t see how that reflects on me. As I read it then and read it now, it seems his problem is keeping the A.D. out of the loop. Seems a fair point to make, but maybe that’s just me. If nothing else, it was indicative of some dysfunction. I happen to think it’s a good idea for WVU, which has had some coaching stability problems, to lock up Huggins. So why not a lifetime deal? Well, for one, it hadn’t happened in the state, which does year-by-year rollover deals. In truth, Huggins got an 11-year deal. Or a lifetime deal. Whatever. Yes, it was discussed for a while and there were roadblocks and resistance — I figure this is how I got involved — up until the deception that immediately preceded the announcement, when, we’ve always been told, Pastilong was pretty much notified at the last second to sign the deal and show up at the press conference. Do I think Pastilong never knew anything about the lifetime deal? Uh, no. Do I think he knew it was imminent when we started snooping? Also no. To say the lack of a signature on the original deal was all Pastilong’s fault — or all Huggins’ fault — isn’t fair.

(2) Not to put words in Whit’s mouth, but I’ve been told basically the same story a few times. Well said. (3) Fact. Plus-2 for you. (4) Um, yes, I’d heard that before … and in retrospect it just makes so much sense. Why not enter into and win a clear-cut case of contract law? Why not let a rebel walk all over you, walk away unscathed and set a dangerous precedent across college athletics? Seems like a great idea. If it’s true, that’s a major problem. I’m not going to argue this point and, to be honest, it was someone from the President’s office who called me confidentially to say WVU absolutely would pursue the buyout. Perhaps that was intentional to publicly set an irrevocable course?

As for Mike Parsons, allow me to clear his name so it’s not left soiled by your assumption. He was not a source for me or for Jack at any time during any of this. Try getting protected information out of him, please, and then tell me how it goes. He’s got iron jaws. I’ll also pass on calling Mike Garrison. He’s clear of this mess and would probably prefer to stay that way. If he wants to call me, he knows how. By the way, no one’s ever told us we were wrong about any of this.

In closing, had the original intent of this post been to explore what you described, you would have found we were in agreement on a lot of things. Do we differ on some things? Sure. Mostly, though, we’re in the same boat. Boiled down, we agree things have happened the way they have happened.  So, too, do others …

Phantom said:

Insider – You have some of your facts rights, but others not so right. WB was asked to stay after the offer from Missouri – however, he pushed the envelope by asking to be named AD within 6 months and received a direct no way answer back. You are right that EP wanted nothing to do with Huggs contract. As a matter of fact, EP didn’t want to do anything about anything, including exploring what might be out there in terms of broadcast rights. He was more content to enjoy the job prior to riding out in the sunset. By the way, nice blog Mike.

Thanks, I like it, too. And for reasons just like this entire discussion.

Tour de Force said:

Insider, Phantom is correct on his facts – as described to me by WB himself. The way he tells it, Garrison and Walker were both very supportive of him staying and helping the new administration modernize the Dept., but would NOT agree to make him the AD by the end of 2007. And both Phantom and Insider have it right on EP and his complete inaction on all things relevant to improving the department.

Those close to Garrison all indicate that he never talked about who would replace EP when the time came b/c he had 2-3 years to figure it out and did NOT have plans to push EP out prior to the end of his original contract (he was always an EP supporter until he saw first-hand how bad it was).

Whether he planned to put Walker in or not – there are PLENTY of people – both long-time insiders at the Dept., as well as influential donors – who would be very supportive of it. My guess is however, given the way Walker has been treated by those at the University who purported to be his friends, he’d have absolutely no interest in the position (although a great candidate). 

See, we can do this together! 

thacker said:

If the university and state is serious about a desire for a preeminent collegiate athletic program and one that can be built above all of the rest, there is one man uniquely qualified to begin that process [a process that is far more than simply fielding national championship caliber teams], Jerry West.


Ego and politics has no place and should be granted no safe quarter within any university.

IF this happens — and I continue to make that a big IF — not only do I think thacker takes two weeks off work to celebrate, I also believe a statue should be built in his honor since he’s been on this for ages now. Wonder what he’ll think about this … 

Tour de Force said:

One other thing in response to all the West discussion. Most close to the Garrison team are aware that once EP decided on the Emeritus deal that Garrison was putting together a team in the Spring of 2008 – which included West, the Nuttings, and several others with WVU ties and major sports experience to act as sort of an advisory board to assist when it came time to replace EP and enact long-needed changes in the Dept. Pretty sure that that plan has been stalled. 

Stalling happens, right? Speaking of …

Mid-West WV Fan said:

What is the status of the basketball practice facility?

To quote Huggins this week, “It is what it is.” They’ve raised about $4 million, which is roughly a quarter of what’s needed. There’s plenty of money pledged, but that’s not the same as raised. One pledge, for example, is tied up in the outcome of a lawsuit.

Dave said:

I hope that Huggins and the players watched the game last night to see what can happen when kids stay in school and remain committed to the title. UNC made open shots, ran, rebounded and gave MSU fits with their defense. Very much like it seems how Huggins wants our kids to play.

I watched the games, of course, and noticed 18 of the 20 starters in the Final Four were juniors and seniors. That says something.

Foul Shot said:

Ruoff should get his passport in order.

Wait for it …

D’or Fischer said:

“Ruoff should get his passport in order.”

Nothing wrong with that. 

Moving on … 


I’d like to graduate, especially to show all of those people who thought I couldn’t.

Not to show people who said you couldn’t but, perhaps, to show those whom you don’t even know nor will ever meet, that, yeah .. anyone if they fight, work hard and never lay down, can.

That is the Devine that I see. 

That’s The Mine Mule!

Donald Hall said:

I love the term “mine mule.” And, I understand, like the coach, what it means. I grew up in the coalfields of Southwest Va. My grandad used mine mules. They were very gentle, but tough as steele, with indurance, determination, and heart. We old timers are pulling for this coach, and team.

It occurs to me now that when I played, I, too, was likened to a mule … it just wasn’t as complimentary. 

oklahoma mountaineer said:

I hope he does stay in school, not for WVU football, but for Noel Devine. His size in the NFL translates to a short career, hopefully, as a 3rd down back.

Before the hate mail starts to fly, remember Noel is listed by WVU as 5’8″ and 170. Super Steve is an inch taller and 30 pounds heavier as listed on ESPN. I’m sure he has added a little bulk since he went to the pros, but 30 pounds is a BIG difference IRREGARDLESS (thanks Rich) of the level of competition. He is going to deliver more punishment and be able to sustain more punishment than Noel.

I love Noel, but he faces the same problem that Pat White faces as a full-time QB. Size does matter; he’s great for our offense and seems to be a super kid. I just hope someone does not get in his ear and give him bad counsel.

Good stuff. Nothing inflammatory about that at all. As best as I can tell, Devine at WVU is a humble, if not shy, kid who is relatively grounded and seems to get it. He must have some good people in his corner. Try not to worry about Devine this season … focus instead on Darren Sproles.

Country Roads said:

Eddie davis at the other corner? What happened to Tandy? And does anyone else find it interesting that our two starting corners may both be former offensive players? Tells you where our former staff put its priorities.

The only sure thing at corner now is Hogan … and you have to remember how young he is at the position. Tandy’s been with the first team a lot, but the best thing we hear about him is he listens really well. He had a tough time in Wednesday’s scrimmage and found himself on the receiving end of a lot of hits. That said, he’s always in there. So, too, is Davis, who’s a really good athlete. His combination of size (6-foot, 188) and speed (maybe the fastest guy on the team) is intriguing. Also of note, corner Kent Richardson, who never seems to get over the proverbial hump, is playing safety in the third-down SWAT package. As for the focus, remember when WVU had a million running backs and no linebackers? Total opposite now.

suchham said:

“If they have seven in the box, that should open up some running lanes for Devine.”

Well, now, that’s a tantalizing picture, isn’t it?
But, it’s tough to imagine a defense NOT keying on Devine and making Jarrett prove himself as a passer. So, JB just has to toss a few nice ones and then Devine can do his thing.

I just don’t see this seven-in-the-box thing basically because I don’t anticipate WVU using Jarrett much differently than it used Pat White. Maybe not as frequently, for sure, but you can certainly see the same runs and options and reads. And as you suggest, who’s going to play WVU determined to stop the pass with No. 7 in the backfield? Not me. If I’m chasing No. 82 and N. 14 into the end zone a few times, maybe then I change.

Homer said:

Anybody else see Daunte Culpepper in Brown? Big guy, (relatively) small hands, deceptively quick

Nowhere near as accomplished and more of an unknown, but physically, yes, there are some parallels.

mountiefan3 said:

I see a combination of JaMarcus Russell and DJ Shockley. Big kid with tons of potential and a kid that sat for a few years before he got his shot. Hopefully, we see the same kid who beat Rutgers and not the one who barely beat Syracuse. IF the receivers step up, the offense should be much better. To me that is a big if, even in the scrimmage on Saturday they dropped some passes, I hope this trend does not continue.

Hope hard.

Country Roads said:

Just a thought, would anyone be satisfied with a repeat of DJ Shockley’s senior season? Say we go 11-1 during the regular season and are heavily favored against, oh, I don’t know, an undefeated TCU team who hasn’t really played anyone. Then we lose 38-35. Would you take that outcome if offered to you today?

I would because I fear Christmas in Birmingham, Ala., but it’s not about me.

Jeff in Akron said:

If I were a football coach, and I had the speed on defense that WVU has, you bet I’d blitz. Not only is WVU’s defense the fastest in the Big East, it’s one of the fastest in the country.

Having said that, imagine being an offensive lineman trying to block that speed. Or a QB trying to let a play develope. Simply put, what the O-line is facing in practice, they may never see in a game this year. If the O-line improves enough to become moderately successful against our defense, just think what they’ll do to a slower defense.

Oll Stewart has changed some things up. The one constant has been overall team speed. You can’t block and tackle somebody you can’t catch, and you can’t teach someone to be fast.

Interesting perspective, and I think that’s probably part of the inspiration behind throwing so much at the offense and at the line so early. It has to be useful on film, right? But try not to get too carried away yet. The blitz is great in principle, but you have to cover guys in the defensive backfield and that’s something WVU is really efforting this spring because the emphasis is somewhat new. 

Alli said:

The o-line is worrisome. This isn’t the Trickett years where we could plug in whoever we want and get the same result. This could be a tough year for our offense.

Also, it sounds like our kicking game is in the dumps. Do we have any walk-on kickers coming in this fall? We may need them. 

Don’t give up on Tyler Bitancurt yet. He’s got a big leg. He missed a 47-yarder Wednesday, but had plenty — plenty — of distance. He missed a 20-yarder from that awkward left-hash angle McAfee sometimes struggled to conquer. He’s got a pretty good attitude about it all … and relative assurance the job is his. So, no, I don’t believe any walk-ons are coming. “Paul Woodside is not walking through that door, fans. Jay Taylor’s not walking through that door and Charlie Baumann is not walking through that door.”

Mack said:

Do you think Beilein is bothered by the fact that Michigan is paying Rodriguez’s more substantial buyout?

Rhetorical, right?

Homer said:

Somebody go and ask Beilein what happened with the UVA job – he’s been at Michigan 2 seasons, time to move on.

Enjoy the weekend! Happy Easter! (By the way … this is to someone and yet no one in particular, be mindful of IP addresses.)