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Meet the mine mule!

Doesn’t have a very magical ring to it, but that’d be how Bill Stewart described Noel Devine to Devine’s likely amused hometown paper.

Although Devine missed the first few practices of spring due to a death in his family, Stewart said he’s been all business since his return and described Devine’s work ethic to that of a “mine mule.”

“They carry the coal out of the mines,” Stewart said. “In and back. In and back. That’s how he works.”

I like it. I even get it. When you consider all he’s been through and all he is, Devine’s been kind of stoic and very reliable throughout his time here. You know, if nothing else, Stewart’s wacky way with words does have a way of getting to the point.  

That made his next take turn heads. Get to know the mine mule while you can.

“I would not be surprised if he entered the (NFL) draft (after his junior season),” Stewart said. “I would hate that, I would hate to lose him, like I hated losing Stevie (Slaton).”

Despite the threat of losing Devine, Stewart said he would support the decision as he did with Slaton if it was what is in Devine’s best interest.

Devine, who has three children, Desirae, 4, Andre, 3, and Destiny, 1, living in Southwest Florida, said he hasn’t given the decision much thought but said it would depend on how he plays this year.

“I don’t even want to think about that now,” he said. “I don’t know. I’d like to graduate, especially to show all of those people who thought I couldn’t. But I have to do what is best for me. It depends on the season.”