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Here they come

I decided it wasn’t wise to get too carried away once I saw Bill Stewart yelling “Like a warm knife through butter!” at practice yesterday morning.


Sure, the Mountaineers are blitzing a lot and getting home, as they say, a lot. But shouldn’t that be the case?

The offensive line has some issues now, but that’s almost to be expected given what it’s attempting to do this spring. The Mountaineers need four new starters and, as if that isn’t enough, are trying to cope with a defense that’s very advanced and — again, don’t get too excited — very aggressive.

“We’re covering people,” Stewart said. “If you can cover our receivers – and our receivers are pretty good – we’ll blitz. We’ll blitz because you can’t block them. You aren’t going to block Pat Lazear. You aren’t going to block Reed Williams, I don’t give a damn how many guys come at him. You aren’t going to block J.T. Thomas. Those guys are coming and they’re getting there.”

Don’t convict Stewart of his trademark gusto. Those three gave WVU’s still-gaining offensive line fits Saturday.

“They’re so quick off the ball,” said quarterback Jarrett Brown. “You don’t have a chance to react.”

If nothing else, WVU’s corners and recivers are much tougher at the line of scrimmage because they beat the crap out of one another in drills every day. And if the secondary can play reliable man-to-man, the Mountaineers will blitz and probably be pretty good at it.