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New jock in the slot

Typically your slot receivers are short, quick guys. They use abrupt strides to better navigate through traffic in the middle of the field. They’re smaller target for tacklers. The combination allows them to pinball off defenders and not only get open, but keep plays alive after the catch.

Why, then, is 6-foot-8, lankly, long-striding Wes Lyons in the slot? The simplest explanation is because he’s pretty good at it, something that’s fun to think about, something that will be explained in greater detail at a later date.

Of course, another reason is because Jock Sanders, WVU’s once and maybe former slot machine, is still in trouble with Bill Stewart.

WVU’s coach mentioned Sanders Wednesday as a guy in the slot, then added “if he ever gets out of the doghouse.”

Asked about Sanders’ progress in doing the things needed to compel Stewart to reinstate him from indefinite suspension, Stewart said, “He’s still in the dog pound. He’ll be there for months. I haven’t even started his paperwork yet.”