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Where there’s a Q, there’s an A

Ever wonder what led to Quinton Andrews’ abrupt departure from the football team? Well, the soon-to-be safety at Tommy Bowden’s North Alabama provided some answers.

“After coach (Rich) Rodriguez left after my sophomore year things changed,” Andrews said. “It was a new environment and it was basically like I transferred. I was basically kicked off the team, but I’m not bitter about it. I’m just looking forward to going where I’m appreciated.”

Strong words, but that follows the transfer playbook. I’m curious what Stewart thinks of that take, though. Seems one-sided. I can’t allow that to happen.

I liked Q when he was here. He was a pretty good player, though I’m not sure he got a lot better his final two years. And that was on the field. Off the field Andrews provided another set of worries and he struggled to improve there, too.

What I liked, though, was he was open to discussing himself. He was flawed and he knew it and he talked about changing … or at least trying to change … and how he wrestled with his image, his reality and his mission to just be better. It was hard.

This is not to be the devil’s advocate, or to liken Q to the devil, but look at some of the “evil” things he did, aside from battling coaches and getting the deserved discipline that came with his actions. That was a big problem and one he has to fix if he’s going to make it anywhere in any area of life.

But when arrested two summers ago, it was because he came from his nearby apartment and interfered with a traffic stop involving Jason Gwaltney. You can’t condone it, but you’ve seen worse. He wanted to know what was going on, he said some things he shouldn’t have and then when he was headed back to his place, he wouldn’t allow officers into his apartment.

Remember his other known episode? He was allegedly involved with Charles Pugh’s credit card theft. Only he wasn’t involved, despite rumors and reports that implicated his participation.

I mean, the guy took his gold teeth out because he didn’t want people to think whatever they might think of a kid from Miami with gold teeth. It was one of many moves he tried, but he never turned it around the way he or his superiors wanted. And now he’s gone and again trying to right the reputation that precedes him.

“People who know me know what type of person I am. I understand I might be labeled as a bad guy, but I’m not. I met some of the players on my visit and everyone was great. I’m an outgoing guy, and I know I’m going to fit in well at UNA.”