The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

It’s NOT the economy, Stupid!

Why do I not at all feel better about anything after reading this?

Hatch, along with subcommittee chairman Sen. Herb Kohl, D-Wis., released a list of legislative priorities for this year; the panel will take on a load of items, including aviation competition, text messages and online advertising, as well as the BCS.

“This system’s critics allege that the system is not only unfair to the football fans throughout the country, but also to the colleges and universities nationwide that depend on revenues from their football teams to fund their other athletic programs,” Hatch and Kohl said in a statement.

“As I have said before, the BCS system is anti-competitive, unfair and un-American,” Hatch said. “I am looking forward to exploring what legislative remedies might be applied to fix a system that violates our nation’s antitrust laws by placing non-BCS universities at a serious competitive disadvantage.”

Meanwhile, my 401(K) withers, my friends can’t sustain small businesses or get mortgages, my sister frets over digging too deeply into savings for her wedding and friends and family who had long ago started their retirement plans are forced to accept it’s just not happening.

But, no, by all means, let’s get to the bottom of this BCS mess. And please, leave my text messaging alone.