The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom


So much for the first question I’d like to ask new WVU president James Clements.

More than 10 days after it picked him as its new president, West Virginia University has yet to sign a contract with James P. Clements.

That’s awesome. In fairness — and believe me, this is not to be self-congratulatory because I wish it never happened — I’ve studied and written enough about contracts to know it’s not a big deal it’s not as catastrophic as it is made to seem.

There’s surely a terms and conditions agreement in place, which has all the bones, but not the organs, so to speak, of an employment agreement. And, of course, Clements doesn’t take over for a while, so there is time. But still …

Back to the order of the day: Getting to Minneapolis and my hotel that proudly advertised its outdoor pool. This’ll take most of the day, but tomorrow and Friday will be full of first-round stuff, especially Friday since the Daily Mail doesn’t publish on Saturdays. Sssshhh. Our secret.

So let’s have at it. Questions, comments and concerns on the game are welcome. I’ll check in as often as I can. Away we go, sponsoredy by “Dayton graduates coaching in the NCAA Tournament who look forward to a sideline catwalk competition in the second round against Jay Wright.” (This is going to happen and the NCAA will rack in a suddenly interested ratings demographic.)