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Friday Feedback

Welcome to the Friday Feedback, for which every day is GameDay.

Neat little weekend here with a big game against a team/school that’s become a rival ever since that Elite Eight thing a few years back. Ruining the Product’s look at an unbeaten season didn’t help/hurt, either. WVU really thinks it can win Saturday and is just furious with the way it played for the first 20 minutes of the first meeting this season. Alex Ruoff said Wednesday it reminded him of a high school team. Ouch. Additionally, if Syracuse loses to Marquette in the 2 p.m. game Saturday, the Mountaineers take the floor at 9 p.m. knowing they clinch sixth place in the Big East — to say nothing of better NCAA Tournament positioning — with a win. If Syracuse wins, WVU is seventh no matter what it does against the Cardinals. Crazy how fast things change.

Finally, I guess football season started Wednesday with a pre-spring practice luncheon. The news, of course, was Quinton Andrews’ departure from the team, a seemingly amicable split since Q is apparently allowed to work out at the Puskar Center until the end of the semester. Also of note was the first take-it-for-what-it’s-worth depth chart

Onto the Feedback. As always, comments appear as posted. In other words, this is an emergency!

ENShawkins said:

“WVU students may begin lining up at the Coliseum Gold gate for the basketball game starting at 3 p.m. Saturday.”

Wait, so if a student wants to get in line before 3, the cops turn him away? Since when are they mandating times to line up for games?

However, I will say that I like the idea of rewarding the students who show up for the 11 AM broadcast. Its a lot better than their strategy of rewarding those who go to soccer games with lower level seats.

How big is the riot that develops when security kindly asks Camp Coliseum to disassemble about 9 o’clock tonight?

 mountiefan3 said:

The national exposure of this game is huge and I know the fans realize this. I hope and pray no one does anything stupid. It just takes one idiot to ruin it for the rest of us. Maybe if nothing happens ESPN will stop focusing on couch burning and the negatives and start to realize we have something very special in WV and we are all proud of our fans and team.

In how many ways is this exactly what WVU fans have been hoping for … and, perhaps, fearing?

Birch said:

Epic post. I totally agree with the Huggins argument, but I’d be willing to bet it goes to Keno Davis. Who votes for the coach of the year?  

The coaches, which is an interesting dynamic.  

Country Roads said:

When is COY voted on? I think it’s before the tournament, which would put a premium on how each of the teams finishes. If Marquette finishes by beating Pitt and Syracuse, you have to like Williams’ chances. If they stumble and Providence knocks off Villanova, I think Davis is the guy. If Marquette and Providence both lose, I think it comes down to the winner of Saturday night’s Huggs-Pitino tilt.

That all being said, I’m not sure you can count out Jamie Dixon just yet. Then again, that’s just my gut feeling.  

Voting is this weekend. Agreed, Dixon has a shot, as does Calhoun. I kind of underrated the significance of winning this conference. That might be enough in itself. I also failed to mention Calhoun was without Stanley Robinson for half the season and has been without Jerome Dyson, the second-leading scorer, for a while now. So, yeah, he’s got a shot.

Foul Shot said:

Does the mop up duty team used last night in the final minutes illustrate who may or may not be on the team next season?
It would seem that these players, for the most part, just do not have the required confidence level from Huggy related to being able to play meaningful minutes. This had been kicked around recently on this blog as to who will or will not be on scholarship next season. Also, Huggy had some interesting comments on TV after the game related to who the hardest workers were on the team and who heads to the training table after practice rather than putting in some extra shooting time. Interesting.
Finally, if Erin is the sideline reporter Saturday, does she get the “are you kidding me” look from Huggy prior to the three word response at the half when he is heading to the locker room? Should be fun to watch. Hoping to pull of a win on Saturday to create some momentum into the Tournaments.  

I’m sure there’s something to all that. Again, I’m hesitant to write about this because it seems so taboo where I walk, but I have no doubt the staff knows exactly what it’s doing. As for Ms. Andrews, she couldn’t have it any worse than one of her colleagues

Sam Wilkinson said:

D’or was one of the most underappreciated WVU players of all time. Doesn’t he hold the school records for blocks in only two seasons? Guy could be counted on for blocks, and free throws, and was perfect in Beilein’s system. Shame that he doesn’t get as much credit as he is probably due. Hell, the double-double against Wake Forest is probably the most unnoticed double-double in our school’s history. Huge fans of that game, who watched every last second, probably don’t remember it. 

Oh, I remember it. He was killing it in place of a struggling Pittsnogle, who admittedly couldn’t stop anyone. Then D’or fouls out and Pittsnogle bangs an impossible 3 ice cold off the bench. I used to see D’or from time to time around town after he graduated and we’d chat and I’d ask what he was doing and he always said he was chasing the dream. He never pouted about not getting his chance, much the same way he never pouted about getting sick and losing his job to Pittsnogle. I’d hate if it ended this way.

OB1 said:

Deep cut to the face?…Hate to say it, but I would have expected far worse considering he went clubbing in Tel Aviv. 

A couple of us were discussing this the other day and someone related a story from someone who’d been chased through the streets of Tel Aviv after a game. “Happens all the time,” was how the story ended. The reply? “…well, yeah.” 

Alli said:

I read another article about it that said the place was a Bar/Restaurant. Doesn’t sounds like a club to me (not that it should matter).

Speaking of Salley, does anyone know where is he these days?

Ty’s playing in Holland. Back to the bar/restaurant…do you know the name? Mendy’s!

Fast Draw said:

I’ve heard just about enough of this Casazza…any more lip and I’ll hand out technical 32…

Who is this Fast Draw you speak of? 

Birch said:

*$@# Curtis Shaw.

Ohhhh. Quick Draw.

ENShawkins said:

Truck is learning, something we could never say about another highly touted WVU point guard, Jonathan Hargett.

I believe Truck cares deeply about his play, but can start to feel sorry for himself when things don’t go his way. It’s all about maturity, and he’s making progress. I expect we’ll see more of the roller coaster ride this season and more stability next year.

Glad you noted how much he cares. It sounds somewhat insignificant, but he’s really invested in not letting anyone down. Where that maybe once pressured him, it now motivates him. It’s been quick, but he’s been OK the past two games and having an easier time with things. You can teach the young kids how to shoot and guard and rebound and all that stuff. You can’t make them mature.

Jeff in Akron said:

I believe the loss of Joe Mazzulla cost this team at least four BE games, maybe more. In addition, had we not lost Jonnie West at the same time… How many games have we seen Alex sit down for a rest, and we have five forwards on the floor. We’re still talking about the BE tourny, and the NCAA’s.

Of course I’m bias, Bob Huggins should be seriously considered for Coach of the Year in the BE.

Joe should be back next year. Truck will be fine then. He may be fine for the remainder of this year.
The experience Truck gained this year isn’t easily measured. The same can be said for all the Freshmen. How bright is our future if we make it to the “Sweet 16” this year?

Four games? Interesting argument. That assumes Mazzulla is able to cure what otherwise ailed WVU in those games. Not to say Joe couldn’t, but I also don’t want to say Truck was the reason those games were lost. Still, it is alarming the Mountaineers were able to adapt they way they did throughout the season. It was fun to see them piece things together and find some fixes, frequently within a game. Also, I’ll say this as vaguely, yet specifically as I can, but if the team is really good, do some players, um, develop a really good reputation?

Alli said:

For those of us who witnessed where the girls team was at the beginning of year to where they are now, it’s pretty remarkable. The coaching staff did an amazing job. But give a lot of credit to the ladies, they worked hard. They easily could have quit when the injuries kept piling on, but they fought through it. This team has a lot more heart than last year’s, and that team made it to the second round of the NCAA. Don’t be shocked if we make a return trip to the NCAA next season, especially if Granberry can earn a 6th year.

They’re stacked next season, though WVU doesn’t know about that sixth year for the very good Granberry. But why wait until next year? What if WVU gets to the finals of the Big East Tournament?

Alli said:

By the way, the women nearly beat a ranked Notre Dame team on the road today without Ashley Powell, who was sick. Imagine if the men’s team had to start Ruoff, Butler, Truck, Proby, and Johnie West, and Cameron Payne (who would play back-up center of course) and Will Thomas were the only two other players who dressed. Now imagine them going on the road and only losing to a ranked team by 6 points with a chance to win at the end.

This team needs a lot more coverage and respect than what they have been getting. I’m very, very impressed by these ladies’ tenacity.

I’m going from here to the blackboard, where I’ll write 100 times “I will not neglect the women’s team in the future.”

OB1 said:

J entry. Impressive. The only guys I ever knew to live in J entry were total studs, except for the one who wore a Goofy fanny pack.

Fanny pack? Key! 

Karl said:

Some of the best times of my life were spent in Boreman South. Or at least that’s what I’ve heard.

Enjoy the weekend!