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Did Wainwright bookmark this blog?

Quote the hapless DePaul coach after the 82-63 loss last night:

“Certainly a guy who should have his name listed — and we’ve had a lot of great efforts by coaches this year, I think — is Coach Huggins. He’s really done a great job with his team. They have good chemistry and really shoot the ball at home. When they’re making 3s and stretching you out, they’re really tough to guard. They have a really good mix of players all different sizes.”

Let’s add the Jerry Wainwright endorsement to the case for Huggins. Not only that, but the chemistry is something I forgot about, which is unacceptable because it was impossible for me to ignore earlier this season. And just for fun, Huggins rolled with seven guys or 38 minutes last night, because he can.

As for DePaul, am I crazy or should that team have one or two — three? — wins with that backcourt and a 6-foot-9 double-double guy? Of course, that guy, Mac Koshwal, looked a little disinterested last night and somehow went scoreless.

I’ve had a lot of people, even coaches, say Wainwright is a far-above-average recruiter and an excellent defensive coach. I’ll hold out on judging the former, but his team just didn’t guard last night. Offensively, it was hot potato to get the ball to Walker or Tucker. Yeah, that was a nice rally late in the first half, but two players were on fire, WVU got a little bored and that final five-point sequence just before the half was a fluke. A seven-point game, yeah, but you knew they wouldn’t keep scoring and WVU would have a counter — chasing Walker, switching every screen — because it’s a well-coached team. Just ask Wainwright.