The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

Return of the Dog Soldier(s)!

It’s been a while since we’ve seen or heard from the Dog Soldier, but Oll Stewart took him for a walk at Wednesday’s Vandalia Rotary meeting in Charleston. The leash was an abrupt blending of Cheyenne nation and Mountaineer nation.

Well, in Stewart’s way of thinking, star quarterback Pat White is a Dog Soldier.

“I know he’s the greatest winner in football today,” Stewart said. “What he’s done will probably never be done in football again. Patrick White, he just oozes winning. Don’t tell Pat White he can’t beat you.”

Also a Dog Soldier is WVU athletic director Ed Pastilong, based on the overall success of WVU’s athletic programs and the stability of the program’s budget.

“Do people know how good this guy is? We’re one of 19 athletic departments in the nation that’s in the black.”

And, according to Stewart, Gov. Joe Manchin is a big-time Dog Soldier.  

“The greatest of Dog Soldiers is our governor,” Stewart said.

I wasn’t planning to add to the blog today, but I cannot resist the Dog Soldier. It’s a rule. Plus, something we learned long ago was finalized today.