The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

In which a Bunny causes trouble

Sorry, no Talking Points Monday. Laptop and hotel Internet have taken turns conspiring against me. I gave up and I have an early flight tomorrow. I’ll try to get back to it in the afternoon. If not, occupy your time wondering if maybe Sunday was the beginning of something meaningful for Dee Proby.

More true stories from the air…

I flew Saturday morning from Morgantown to Washington, D.C. (no Clarksburg detour!) to Newark, N.J. The flight to D.C. was, um, interesting.

The recipient of a rare and possibly unprecedented break, I was also somehow with two young women who were in town Friday night for a party at the Lazy Lizard (I refuse to call it by its real name). They’ve also graced the pages of “America’s best-selling men’s magazine.” (Update: Confirmed!)

Of course, this all became secondary to the story. The flight attendant gave the “you are now free to move about the cabin” all-clear and one Bunny, the one seated at the back of the plane and literally right next to the restroom, stood up and made the seven-inch walk to the door. Before she could even get the door open, the flight(y) attendant, who’s English was so broken it would make Joe Theisman cringe, had sprinted down the aisle, scared everyone in her path and stopped said Bunny in her tracks. Seven levels of terror and confusion simultaneously filled the cabin. I have no explanation for this. It was discussed the rest of the way and no one had anything that led to a conclusion.

Karma reappeared on the flight to Newark, when I was surrounded by screaming British children without an au pair in sight.

Onto the weekend notebook. Let your thoughts flow freely, especially for those who can’t see Sunday’s 3 p.m. WVU-Rutgers game on TV. This weeknd’s notebook is sponsored by shirts-and-suits basketball.