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Don’t applaud this too much

Determined to take the high-stepping and somersaulting into the end zone away from your favorite team, the NCAA is now threatning to take points away from your team, too.

Bellotti, the NCAA football rules committee chairman, said Wednesday officials should eject more players for flagrant personal fouls, and agreed to seek input on whether some celebration penalties should be live-ball penalties, which could result in losing points.

The gist is if a player hot dogs it into the end zone, a flag is thrown at the point where the shenanagins started and the touchdown disappears. I think it’s a bit harsh because the problem isn’t as big as it was even just a few years ago … but if it happens, I can’t wait to see the first implementation.

And I don’t want to say the NCAA is hypocritical or humorous because … hell with it, yes I do.

Teams would not be penalized, Bellotti said, for a group celebration after the score because the NCAA wants to emphasize the team concept, not individuals.