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Curtis Shaw and his weary legs

Curtis Shaw, he of the Marshall game the past two years and Monday night’s catastrophe at the Petersen Events Center, has called 76 games this season. 76! It’s the most games called by any referee in the NCAA or the Big East, yet he’s seen WVU just twice … and apparently hasn’t liked the view very much. He also doesn’t like the Rice Owl.

Oh, and if that face looks familiar, it’s because Quick Draw called last night’s Texas-Oklahoma State game, his fourth in as many nights.

Karl Hess, who leads the nation in ejections and has also done four games in as many nights, was one of Shaw’s co-conspirators Monday. He’s one of just six referees to see WVU at least three times this season. Another is Mike Kitts, a pretty respected guy who happened to toss Huggins from a NCAA Tournament game in 2003.

In case you’re ever curious, bookmark the referee watchdog.