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Help travels long road to WVU

The obvious “What if?” from last night’s defeat is “What if WVU had a big who could counter, neutralize or perhaps even overmatch Blair?” You can’t put him in the same class right now, but Dan Jennings is on the way as a 6-foot-9, 240-pound kid who doesn’t merely love to rebound and play defense, but prefers it.

And that is only a small, relatively insignificant part of his story.

They lived in a shelter in the Bronx for a year before he was again separated from her. Regina, battling what Dan said was an addiction to crack-cocaine, “was getting high again,” Dan said, and child welfare services put him and his younger brother, then an infant, into a foster home in Brooklyn.

Less than a year later, Dan stayed there while his brother went back to Regina.

“And I was wondering, ‘Why didn’t she take me back?’” Dan said. “I was with this lady in Brooklyn. Sometimes she wouldn’t feed me. And one time, she pushed me down the stairs. I’ll always remember that. I was five years old, and I didn’t know why. I just cried and she kept me in the basement. At certain times, she’d lock me down there, and I would just stay down there for the rest of the night.”