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Update on practice facility

Still trying to sort out exactly what it means that WVU’s basketball practice facility (way too many letters … it’s now BPF) was included on a list compiled by state officials and submitted to the federal government as a way to secure funding for some $545 million in capital projects.

There exists a possibility this was just a summary of projects the University wants to get to and wasn’t a way to ask for money or that it was a what-the-heck shot in the dark, but no one’s made that clear yet. That’ll change, I’m sure.

In the meantime, it would seem the issue is WVU’s Board of Governor’s gave the BPF and private funding its go-ahead Dec. 11. Twelve days later, the BPF was included on the state’s wish list. Odd, but also maybe nothing.

WVU is attempting to downplay the significance. An e-mail statement from Becky Lofstead, the University’s vice president for communication:

WVU officials are emphasizing – as top priorities – the projects/facilities that most closely align with one of our core land-grant missions – research – particularly as they relate to upgrading scientific and technical facilities in the STEM disciplines (science, technology, engineering and math)…and our responsiveness to the state’s economic and workforce development needs as well as public health challenges.

WVU has a prioritized list of 33 capital projects and the list was included as part of the federal submission. The $26 million BPF is No. 32 on the list, one spot ahead of the $3.2 million women’s soccer practice field. Top of the list? A $30 million renovation at White Hall for physics. So, yes, there’s a pecking order.

In summary, the BPF is rather low on the University’s to-do list, which falls in line with its mission. There is, as of 10:58 a.m., no readily available figure for how much money has been raised for the BPF. Huggins has said, and on more than one occasion, the money is lined up. There’s a difference between pledged and raised, but still, it’s out there.

Which begs the big question: Why was the BPF on the list? There may be a simple and innocuous explanation, but there maybe something else. Developing …