The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

Funnier than the comic strip

Oh, that B.C. Fired a pretty good football coach today because he interviewed for the New York Jets job. This is fun on several levels:

– It’s an NFL job, not a NCAA job.
– He’s not getting that Jets job, so a proper spin could have turned this in B.C.’s favor (“Hey, look at our program! The NFL loves our coach! Play for our coach! The NFL could one day love you!”).
– B.C. wants stability at the top — Tom O’Brien bolted for ACC foe North Carolina State two years ago — but fired a guy who won 20 games and twice played for the ACC title in two seasons.
– B.C. reports it fired Jagodzinski “without cause” — magic words in the world of buyouts — and likely has to pay the remainder of his contract.
– This is B.C., the team that furtively fled the Big East only a few years back. Doesn’t this seem at least slightly hypocritical?