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Sitting does not suit Mazzulla

Let’s alleviate the speculation over what Joe Mazzulla intends to do. Sitting is killing him so he wants to play again this season.

“To be honest with you,” he said Monday afternoon, “I really don’t see myself sitting on the sideline for an entire year. I’m going to try to do as best as I can to get back out there and see what I can do.”

He doesn’t like to watch his teammates succeed or struggle, win or lose, grin or wince without him. That, he said, hurts worse than his growth place fracture. Mazzulla is trying not to think about the possibility of sitting out the rest of this season and is only now coming to grips with knowing he has to make a decision about his future soon.

There are multiple factors he’ll have to consider and others he will not. He will, for example, evaluate how his shoulder has improved recently and project how much better it might be in a few weeks. He’ll also consider the benefits of taking a redshirt for not just his health, but for his well being as a player.

That said, he won’t think about how much he might be able to help the team if he returns healthy or if his absence is keeping WVU from reaching its potential.

There’s just a lot that goes into this decision — which isn’t definite come the Jan. 10 deadline — including the fact he’s running out of things to wear.

“I wore my best suit for the Ohio State game so I don’t what I’ll do next,” he said. “I don’t have any shirts and ties.”

Mazzulla said he intended to ask Coach Bob Huggins about the mustard-colored suit, but his coach was not interested in sharing his style.

“If he was a player, I would let him wear it to the game,” the WVU coach said. “I’m not giving non-players my suit.”

Good thing for Mazzulla he has teammate Wellington Smith for help. Smith understands his responsibility. He’s regarded as the best dressed of the Mountaineers.

“He has to look good,” Smith said.

Smith and Mazzulla were roommates as freshmen, which gave Smith an idea about the right look for Mazzulla.

“Probably a polo and (Nike) Air Forces, some khakis,” Smith said. “That’s basically what he can do. He’s definitely not a tie guy. He doesn’t like that look, so the tie doesn’t work for him. Slacks don’t work for him. That’s kind of like his attitude. He doesn’t like to be too serious.”