The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

The good news? It wasn’t me

I left the Coliseum around noon today and headed up I-79 to the airport, where I hoped to use my time wisely as I waited for my 4:35 p.m. flight to Newark. So how is it I’m just getting around to writing? You’d have to ask the knuckleheads — plural! — who freaked out security at Pittsburgh International Airport to the point the check was shut down. Twice.

Between one suspect who tried to lam it, another I never saw, impatient security personnel imploring a worried mass to ”BACK UP!” and the person in the large (word I’m not allowed to say in an airport) suit, it took me a while to get through.

Those new to the blog will find this alarming.Those who have been here a while will call it Friday. [Huzah! We’re delayed an hour!]

As for basketball, there was a power outage at the Coliseum today, which complicated the shootaround. Quote Huggins: ”Thank God they put windows in this place.”

Joe Mazzulla didn’t do anything that would make you think he’ll play in tomorrow’s 4 p.m. game against Seton Hall. Truck Byrant jammed his left (non-shooting) thumb yesterday and had it wrapped before practice. He said it’s ”killing” him, but he’d play — ”I don’t have a choice.” He popped a few pills to deal with the pain, took and missed a few shots, tore off the tape, took and made a few shots and went on with practice.

Somewhere in that series is an explanation of why he’s nicknamed Truck.