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Let’s talk ‘09

So this was a pretty neat year, yes? Taking one last look back as I prepare to step over the threshold and into 2009, I’m inclined to think I and we may never see one quite the same again.

Perhaps that’s a good thing in the sense of bitter lawsuits, sleazeball agents, egomaniac coaches, dopey lawyers, calculated presidents, faux degrees, blatant coverups, disregard for rules and laws, heart-shredding losses, clandestine power plays, depressing injuries and whatever other rotten apples managed to fit in that basket this year.

Conversely, there were the exhilarating victories, moments of chest-swelling and eye-welling pride, fantastic personalities, irresistible stories, rapscallions, quizzical comments, memorable moments, constant occasions of humor and happiness and, above all else, an unrelenting hope. You can never, ever get enough of those things, and fortunately, it happens here. It just does.

But as one animated monkey said to his animated lion friend, “It’s in the past.”

Let’s talk and think about the future for a bit. A year from today, what is it we’ll be looking back upon as moments that served as highlights and lowlights in 2009?