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On Brandon Hogan

No need for Talking Points today. Not only do I want to speed back into a rhythm here after letting things slip a little last week, but there were only two things that happened over the weekend and the bowl and basketball victories deserve increased attention.

Let us start, though, with an issues on everyone’s minds.

Whatever is up with Brandon Hogan is an intensely private matter. Most likely, it’ll stay that way until someone on the inside decides to take it outside … and that may never happen.

Does that automatically translate into something very, very serious? Not necessarily. It could just be the family’s wishes and the program respecting those. Does it look very, very serious? Well, given the 22 tributes and the secrecy, it does look as if it has everyone’s attention. I’m not going to say it’s very, very serious because I honestly do not know. I doubt anyone else in the media has any concrete idea, either. Theories is about all we have. 

Some players know but refuse to discuss it. Many players have no idea, or have a really good poker face. It even seems as if some coaches don’t have all the details. But, again, what does that really mean? Hard to say.

Oll Stewart was very hesitant to talk about it early in the week. First it was an illness and that threw the scribes off the scent for a while. Then there was no sight of Hogan anywhere and a few whispers about his status here and there. Illness became a personal matter and Stewart flat-out refused to discuss it. He was almost condemning people for asking and said he would only discuss who was playing. The Hogan tributes came out of nowhere and it all seemed very sincere. Not contrived. This wasn’t some ploy.

Asked to comment or clarify Sunday, Stewart sent word he wouldn’t discuss Hogan and wouldn’t address the situation at all. Nothing like “We request everyone respect the privacy of Brandon and his family” or even “We wish Brandon a full and speedy recovery and expect him back next season.” Nothing. As many pointed out in previous comments, that doesn’t help extinguish a lot of the curiosity and probably fuels it. Of course, it may just be consistency in a message and Stewart’s way of saying “No means no.”

The hope is everyone remains responsible with how they handle this. Perhaps message board moderators zap speculative posts and threads. Perhaps we are vigilant in our discussions. Just wish the kid well and hope to see him back sooner rather than later.