The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

Day two

* Health seems to be a quiet concern. Sidney Glover said last week he could have played had WVU had a game the Saturday following the South Florida game in which he hurt his knee, but he’s at least still bothered and was replaced Tuesday by Nate Sowers. Cornerback Brandon Hogan, who Bill Stewart said last week may be good enough to go pro next year, is sick and limited. Center Mike Dent needs a medical miracle to play. Jim Lewis is bothered again by that stressfracture in his foot and didn’t practice Tuesday. Ovid Goulbourne and Pat Liebig, backups at linebacker and defensive line, were in green jerseys as they deal with lingering issues. Stewart is being understandably tight-lipped, but that’s quite a list of players who might not play or might play with compromised health.

* To say Stewart is not pleased with the buzz about Noel Devine’s supposed academic trouble would be like saying Clark W. Griswold was not pleased about his membership to the jelly of the month club. I won’t say anything more about this, but it’s worth pointing out that a number of players and coaches are fired up about this and WVU has in the past done well when motivated.

* That said, let’s get this out of the way now: The extracurriculars behind last year’s preparation were nothing like this year’s. It’s entirely different. Not only that, but a ton of those players are gone and not here this year. The preparation may be structured similarly, but it’s really a lot different beneath the surface. Yes, it’s light and spirited again and WVU isn’t exactly in the favorite’s position again, but let’s not devalue what that team did by trying to apply it to this season. This team is trying to win a game. That team was trying to prove a point, validate a man and preserve a program. Oh, WVU’s an underdog? In Charlotte? Is that really surprising? And is that anything — anything — like the circumstances surrounding last year? It’s not a fair or accurate comparison. Just expext WVU to be ready to play.

* Pat White defined irony after taking his laps around Lowes Motor Speedway Tuesday: “I was afraid. I have no need for speed.”

* Bowl swag? Pure Digital Flip mini-camcorder, Fossil watch, Fossil sunglasses, Armor Gear backpack.

* Redshirting players are not allower to speak to the media this week — ie, Ryan Clarke, Terrence Kerns, etc. — but they get some valuable practice time. Stewart likened it to spring practice. When practice goes to “good on good” the redshirts go off to their own area and get a pretty good workout. Stewart also uses the time to try players at different positions and revealed Joe Rhein, who was the scout team defensive player of the year, is getting a look at center and Josh Jenkins is getting a shot at tackle rather than guard.

* Speaking of Jenkins, no one knows for certain if he can take a medical redshirt. WVU’s stats have him playing in four of the first five games. To qualify for the redshirt, a player can’t go beyond four of the first six. Oll Stewart was told by a team representative Jenkins had played in all five games, which would disqualify the true freshman from Parkersburg from redshirt status. Stewart said he’d figure things out before the game. If Jenkins plays, he’s obviously not a redshirt candidate.  

* In a casual moment, Stewart was raving about recruiting and said the incoming class could be the “best ever” when signing day comes. There seem to be good vibes about a number of notable players and whatever concerns may exist could be alleviated by January 10. I know, serious read-between-the-lines stuff.

* Chuck Finder alert! Pretty funny look at “Too Live Stew.” (Is that how we’re going to have to introduce Chuck’s stuff? If so, I think he’d be honored.)

* That’s probably all for today. Perhaps something much, much later. Tomorrow will be blank unless something happens. Of course, you’ll never know if something happened unless you check. Hmmm. ‘Tis the cross we bear. Enjoy the holidays.