The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

The new TBA

Wow, Tajh Boyd won’t be playing for Tennessee. So who didn’t see this coming?

“Basically, he just feels that Tajh is not suited for their style of offense,” Tim Boyd said. “He’s looking for more of a pocket quarterback like they’ve had at USC, like Matt Leinartor (Mark) Sanchez. They don’t want a dual-threat quarterback like Tajh, so he’ll be looking elsewhere.

“(Kiffin) said he would honor the scholarship if he still wanted to come, but he didn’t want Tajh coming there and then being unhappy. It’s not like he pulled the offer. He said he wants what’s in Tajh’s best interest.”

From the very beginning, you knew the first TBA wasn’t the last. That tends to be the case when you commit to a school just before the coach is forced out the door.

Meanwhile, Bill Stewart, who reached and passed the point of no return a long time ago, keeps throwing his hay-makers. He was back on the radio this week talking about how you recruit a kid and the more you hang around him and his dad the less you like them. That’s paraphrasing, and so, too, is the final salvo from Stewart in which he said people had asked him to stop talking about it, but that he couldn’t because he wanted to get the point across.

Point made and now a bloodied Boyd walks back to his corner to regroup. Oregon and Ohio State are interested, but why do I get a feeling Michigan is a player? Â