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Friday Feedback

The road to Charlotte detours in Louisville today and I’ve circled a trifecta at Churchill Downs. In light of that and the plain obvious fact I don’t want to be confused with clearly-losing-control Jim Leavitt, let’s jump into the Feedback. As always, comments appear as posted. In other words, do it for the kids.

Sam said:

I’ll happily argue that Schmitt goes down in history as a top-five favorite football player amongst WVU fans. I figure the list includes Pat White, Major Harris, Owen Schmitt, Sam Huff, and Brad Lewis…

I imagine this is sarcasm, but Brad Lewis really deserved a batter fate: Amazing bowl game performance followed by a coaching change that mangled his senior year, which ended with people cheering after he broke his clavicle. True story: I have a friend who actually fashioned a T-shirt that said, um, “Screw Brad Lewis” on the front and “Boo this man” on the back. On a cold day at Mountaineer Field during Brad’s senior year, my friend pulled off his sweatshirt to reveal the T-shirt, which was applauded. If you knew my friend, you’d be amazed not that he did this, but that he fashioned the shirt all by himself.

Mack said:

I think Owen Schmitt will be a WVU fan favorite forever… but I think the current coaching staff is full of Pitt if they think that Owen Schmitt is the reason why this team is as mediocre as mediocre gets. We haven’t played one team this year that had Owen Schmitt in their backfield. Cincinnati, Colorado, and East Carolina have managed to beat us without having an Owen Schmitt of their own.

It’s at least on the base of the problem pyramid, but we knew a loooong time ago it’d be a problem. On one hand, it’s troubling it hasn’t been fixed. On the other, it’s safe to say few teams have an Owen Schmitt. He was a rare player whose greatest contribution was this: WVU went from a team that never used a fullback to a team that tried its hardest in recruiting, but could not replace a fullback. Not yet, at least …

 philip said:

a branko buster is busick to my ears. sounds like something charley west might say. 2009 seems to be shaping up into an interesting season. hope is as west virginian as meth, isn’t it?

I decided not to roll with my original reply. It did include trailers and explosions.

oklahoma mountaineer:

A good game against a struggling Louisville team is a must. This is a team we should beat– struggling and we can put a nail in their coffin with a win.

I’m really at a loss for what is happening there — Kragthorpe is a good coach; his Tulsa teams were innovative and sharp. Nothing like what we have seen with the Cardinals — how does being 2 of the 3 Big East wins Gregg Robinson was able to muster in his Syracuse career feel??? — OUCH!!!@@@@

I think Kragthorpe gets a little too much criticism. First, exactly what does Louisville think it is? Second, he entered a terrible situation wrought with discipline issues. Twenty-something players who had eligibility left when Bobby Petrino left didn’t complete their eligibility. That’s a big number. As for a small number, seven of Kragthorpe’s 11 losses have been by eight losses or fewer. One-possession games! Then again, he lost twice to Syracuse. How does that feel? I’d say it’s getting hot.

overtheSEC said:

“Black out” + Night game + #3 vs #5 matchup between undefeateds = Awesome atmosphere

“Black out” + High noon kickoff + 5-5 vs 6-3 trying to manage expectations = Who are we kidding?

Louisville 2006 holds the distinction as the longest trip I’ve ever made home after a WVU loss only to work the next day. (A close second is the Sweet Sixteen loss in Atlanta earlier that year). I need to stop traveling out of state to see WVU play.

In seperate discussions with three players, I mentioned the “Black Out” and the replies were “Really?” “Why?” and “So?” I think that sums it up.


Black-out, white-out, blah blah blah. If I never see/hear the term [your color here]-out again, it will be too soon. Try something original. All their fans should wear bright red feather boas and the cheerleaders could lead the fans in doing bird calls in between plays.

You’re not going to like the White Out WVU is going to shove down your throat for Pat White’s final home game.

Birch said:

If you read further into that interview he claims:

“I’m going to get mittens and put them underneath my gloves,” he said. “That way my hands are warm and I should still be able to catch the ball because I’ll have gloves on the outside.”

Now, I’m no Orthopaedic Hand Specialist but I’m pretty sure that ain’t going to work. I’m really hping he means the mittens with no fingers. Yep. 

I’m pretty sure you’re right. At the least, he probably wants thin gloves, like gardening gloves, to go under his football gloves. Yet I was hoping he meant mittens.  I’d really like to see that.

Foul Shot said:

Let’s get the practice facility built.
We dont want to see another coach start to get frustrated with progress of the projects that the University has promised.
Huggs has the best shot at breaking the WVU Championship drought. We need to keep him happy.  

Ed Pastilong would like to speak with you!

oklahoma mountaineer said:

Huggs has the same driven passion as PRod — making this more than just a successful team. He wants to make his program THE team — wherever he is…

Cincinnati was a nice place pre-Huggs; it became a destination place during his tenure.

I’m glad to have someone with that drive, but I still miss Coach Belein and his style.  

There’s nothing wrong with any of that. Truth be told, one of the best and maybe most memorable things Huggs said was when on the day he was hired he said he was a Beilein fan. By the way, he’s doing it again. The Wolverines beat UCLA at Madison Square Garden last night and they visibly flustered a pretty good Bruins team. Afterward, Beilein chimed in on the economy. The Product should take note …

JP said:

Jim Lewis always knows the EXACT location of Carmen SanDiego.
Jim Lewis grinds his coffee with his teeth and boils the water with his own rage.

Enjoy the weekend!

 glibglub said:

Jim Lewis performed a successful and painless root canal on my grandfather, using only a pocket knife and safety pin. When not practicing or watching film, he’s constantly working the phones trying to orchestrate a bailout of General Motors and Ford. After the season is over, he’s off to find Osama bin Laden. Jim Lewis is rumored to be the illegitimate son of Bill Braski.

Enjoy the weekend!