The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

The Poca polka

If by chance you haven’t heard, rising junior guard Noah Cottrill, who last July committed to WVU basketball’s class of 2010, is leaving Poca High and will play his final two seasons at Mountain State Academy. It’s a pretty interesting decision, though one that has a lot of people talking and, well, fuming.

It’s not really a risk — he’s already very good and can only get better — and the reward seems minimal — he already has a scholarship, he can’t win that state title he wanted and cannot be named player of the year — but there are benefits.

Cottrill is Justin Timberlake in high-tops, a multi-talented potential superstar.

Like a media magnet, Cottrill is undergoing criticism for his decision, though he shouldn’t. His stated goal is to play in the NBA. Whether that happens remains to be seen, but rather than risk his marbles playing against gang defenses in the Cardinal Conference for the next two seasons, Cottrill will often face competition that at least has a chance of pushing him to improve his overall game.

Mostly, though, it’s a sign of the times and a reminder, dotted with controversy and apparent deception, that these times have changed.

There will be some aspects of public high school life that Cottrill will miss – even if he doesn’t realize it until later.

This will all be forgotten soon enough. Much like the Alexis Hornbuckles and Renee Montgomerys, we’ll be referring to Cottrill as a “former Poca and Mountain State Academy star.”

I don’t agree with everything Coach Osborne said, but I certainly can understand his feelings.

There is something to be said for loyalty to your program, school, friends and community.

Because Noah Cottrill is a “kid” doesn’t let him entirely off the hook.

Then again, when we’ll have to pay to see him play – his words, not mine – we will … and his transfer will be a memory.