The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

What’s it called when titans clash?

I ask because I know what it looks and sounds like. It was one of the signature plays from Saturday’s scrimmage as running back Terence Kerns and safety Robert Sands, two of the most impressive freshmen in preseason camp, met in a goal line drill.

It wasn’t merely a meeting. It was a collision. A car wreck. They both met at the line of scrimmage. They both hit hard. They both fell. Heads turned, teammates yelped and pens scribbled on note pads.

Kerns had already dashed 41 yards once in this scrimmage and showed his toughness at other moments, seemingly seeking out defensive backs to run over.

“I like to get the hit on them before they can get it on me,” Kerns explained.

This time, though, the back was free safety Robert Sands, an angular 6-feet, 4-inches tall with a wingspan that never has been measured but really need not be, considering it stretches from Morgantown to Fairmont.

Kerns closed into the hole and squared up on Sands, dipping lower than the running back and stopping him dead in his tracks, standing him straight up.

Symbolically, it was the merging of a pair of budding Mountaineer stars.

“Back in high school, I used to play in the box and I was used to taking on big backs like that, so it wasn’t any big deal with me,” Sands explained.