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What drills look like

Proof that I’m neither ungrateful nor incompetent with a camera, a peek into exactly what happens during WVU’s early preseason practices.

Offensive line drills

I’m convinced there’s nothing that can be done to make the offensive line’s work exciting.

Defensive line drill 1A

The defensive line has it tough, too, but there are opportunities for some fun. In this drill, one lineman races toward the goal line while another tries to strip the ball away and cause a fumble.


That second lineman then has to recover the fumble.


Linebackers work a lot on ball skills, either intercepting passes, forcing fumbles or recovering loose balls on the turf. Here, cornerbacks coach David Lockwood and a helper place two balls on the ground for Mortty Ivy and Reed Williams.


Wiliams (in green) and Ivy make smooth recoveries.


(I had a pretty neat video for this, but, to be honest, I was holding the camera vertically and didn’t realize you couldn’t rotate the clip in the editing process. Maybe later today.) Running backs deal with a strip drill similar to the defensive linemen, but also run through a series of obstacles while getting blasted by two heavy pads. Noel Devine did just fine.

Finally, it looks to me like the fullbacks and tight ends — and apparently offensive tackles, too; Ryan Stanchek watched this drill and Selvish Capers participated in this clip — have the most fun.